Characters can become even more Heroic!

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Angeliana, Feb 13, 2024.

  1. Skarltar Member

    DB, can you do some market analysis and come up with more things we can spend money on? I am uninterested in boosts or time savers as I never spend money on things like that. It makes me feel like i am cheating and genuinely thing it sucks. Ideally it would be good to look at new things that people could spend money on. I mentioned this before but i think battlepasses could work if you have cool rewards. Add a free tier that can offer some gear and then add the paid tier that gives you appearances for said gear. Then house items in both and if you complete the pass offer a cool mount or house. I would go nuts for that. Also make unlocking the battlepass as content. So dailies, quests and dungeon runs. Maybe try and incentivize people to do more heroics in pugs. Its not so much of an issue to try and make money but it would be great if your designers tried to use the store as a way to make content for players and drive player engagement and drives us to be more social amongst ourselves. As I said, this boost doesn't bother me because i don't like this type thing and so i ignore it but I feel like players like me aren't being offered with things we would like to buy.
  2. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    This issue has been resolved now as well. Thank you for your patience.
    Twyla and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  3. Twisty Well-Known Member

    My post was constructive and not insulting.

    * It explained why this is a terrible idea, in case it's not obvious - selling in-game power for DBC is bad since it makes the act of gaming less interesting.

    * I reminded "the team" that it's just another bad idea in a long line of such bad ideas previously, because it, from this viewing perch, seems to get constantly forgotten.

    * And I also alerted "the team" that the guise of catch-up is not being received as such, since this is simply selling power for money, particularly - but no only - since it's available on infinite.
  4. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    Your post was in fact not constructive and was insulting. I will DM you the exact quote to refresh your memory.
    Breanna, Lumien and Dude like this.
  5. AvenElonis Well-Known Member

    I like the option. Maybe it will cause people to put Masters on the brokers of all the live servers.
    Ephemeral Emanation likes this.
  6. Ferrangie New Member

    Personally, as a 9 year vet of EQ2 ... I'm glad they make these offers. Nothing says you have to pay to win. I feel like paying for content. I feel like paying for a "paid" account. The benefits are great. I am poor. It's my only purchase for gaming. Why complain about it. Enjoy it, or don't. Complaining IS NOT the same as criticizing. Learn the difference. Change is exciting. Thanks to the Devs who keep on keepin' on. ;)
  7. Taled Well-Known Member

    Not likely.

    The reasons no masters are available is because they're being bought to be transmuted for chances at manas. All this does is let them take money from people who are desperate to catch up and make masters even *more* valuable in comparison in game.

    This is a TERRIBLE bundle for people that actually give a damn about putting effort into their characters to progress. There is no if, and, or but to that - If you value the time you spend on your character, this bundle 100% absolutely devalues the effort you put into your character(s).

    I put too much time into this game, there is no denying that by *any* account, and the simple fact of the matter is that I *did* have some pride in the fact that I could provide help to folks and I could be happy about the fact that I earned what I had via that time - but now someone who has 10k to throw at the game can easily outpace me without putting nearly any effort into it.

    Why would I bother continuing to put the level of effort or care into the game that I have been in the past?
    GrunEQ, Tkia, Levv and 5 others like this.
  8. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Is there more info about all this on the EQII home page? If it's something just now released, there may/may not be any info on it yet on Wiki... :-/

    who keeps wondering: what about Tradeskill boosts? Even as an option? :-/
    Robynous likes this.
  9. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    How is this different from just paying $35 for an Adventuring Boost Token? :-/

    who, obviously, hasn't looked at it yet, but is looking for more info on it as we speak
    Robynous likes this.
  10. Ephemeral Emanation New Member

    Honestly, if this gets people spending more money, then I think I am for it.

    In all fairness, the games need the extra income to continue. Considering the timing with potential new and old players coming by for the Year of Darkpaw events to even just check things out, I think it's smart timing.

    And maybe it will be a limited item released during certain timeframes, something to possibly balance it out longterm?

    And they can be adjusted over time, if anything, I assume.
  11. Lysia Active Member

    good to keep for non raiding crafters to have enough status to
    even buy their recipe books -- I was worried about me and crafting --
    now I don't have to quit the game for lack of status, it looks like they might keep it ? (I hope)
    if they do, we need some help for those of us with only very slow ways to get status
    (and for the heroic toons I have) --
    I was very seriously considering quitting -- but now, yes, I paid for it -- but it saved the game
    for me now that I know it's heirloom
  12. zieren865 New Member

    What about giving me a way to get back all the Legends of Norrath loot cards I lost
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Robynous like this.
  13. Banzai New Member

    DBG just monetized the grind.

    No one is worried about this ?

    How much grind will the next xpac bring ?

    They took many of our complaints ... complaints that went weeks without a simple response from devs .... packaged them up and are now selling them back to us. Literally making the player base pay for their mistakes.

    That rubs me wrong ... maybe it's just me. /shrug
  14. CSP84 Well-Known Member

    I am one of those purchasing one bundle, it is ok for me ? Probably not. The reason is simple, i came late to the Chrono Party. I started after the big change /nerf to the system. Most player i know already had most desirable runes maxed at the time.

    What concerns me most is the option , in theory, to buy unlimited bundles per account. That is P2W at a new level as someone cynical calculated it is cheaper to get GMs from the Bundle and research them to Ancient rather crafting experts to Ancient. It comes out at 10 Dollar /Euro/Pound cheaper per Spell. On top a player is not depending on the RNG Master drop rates.

    Is it unthinkable that player will purchase mutliple Bundles ? Well those player paid hundreds of dollars /euros /pounds for Crates in the hope for the latest Familiar /Merc/Mount Buffs.

    The site effect is that the player would have thousands of Chrono Coins, making the Chrono System (one of the seeling points in this expansion, pointless /obsolete.

    @Taled i agree with you that this will have an impact on a player power. It will an have impact on future Heroic /Raid Content.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  15. Jaayell New Member

    There's a lot of negative sentiment about 'pay to win' which begs the question, how exactly does one "win" Everquest 2? My account is getting toward 17 years old (6087 days today) and in all that time, I've never won or seen anyone else win EQ2. Game developers best serve the community when they do their best to cater as equally as possible to all of the various types of players who have purchased any current content and want to enjoy the game. Some people have the know how AND the time to keep up on the raid progression, to smash through heroic zones, etc. Those folks stay well equipped with the best the game has to offer and that's great. However, there are also folks who wish they could but simply cannot commit the time it takes to make their way through all the various layers of the grind that exist. Both types of players paid the same price for access to the content and both want to enjoy it as fully as possible. When the system offers ways to reach the upper tiers that don't cost a dime for those who can grind it out AND other ways for those who cannot, the developer is, in a sense, making equals of the two types of players; no one is locked out due to life circumstances as there are multiple roads to the top.

    As for the monetization component: so what? When did it become a bad thing for companies to make money? Would it be better for the developer to go out of business and the game to die? A financially healthy developer has the fortitude to invest more time and effort into future releases and additions to the game. Besides, no one is making anyone buy anything. You're simply being offered a choice and I, for one, am a lover of having the maximum freedom/choice possible. All that said, I'll probably never buy such a boost because these things are generally beyond my budget even if I wanted to get one. However, I'll never resent anyone who can and does take advantage of an offer like this one and I certainly don't resent DB for offering it.

    That's my 2 cents for folks to take or leave.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  16. VeloEQ2 Member

    Vote with your wallets guys. Take a STAND. I dropped my sub a couple months ago and don't regret it as well as a few other players I know did the same. Stop taking this crap from the company and making them think it is OK to treat consumers like this.
    Manafizzle and Robynous like this.
  17. The-Plethora Active Member

    Give you a problem...sell you the solution...
  18. Astraia New Member

    People using these boosts should be marked because it is not fair on those that spent years paying subscription and working their way to the top. Like a post above said, I want to buy something but nothing is being offered that I want. Houses, Mounts, and so on. The discounts vouchers that pop up here an there have wide offer of Erollisi items listed but very few are available on the Marketplace, it's rather disappointing when there are items that you would actually want to buy but not being offered.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Skarltar like this.
  19. Lateana Older than Dirt, Playing EQII since 2004

    I just looked at it and the price of $75 is quite a disincentive. However, back in the days of the Bazaar server I frequently sold characters for upwards of $200, so there must be a lot of players with deeper pockets than mine.
  20. Robynous Well-Known Member

    Personally, I am playing on Kael Drakel where none of this applies, and enjoying Erolisi Day.

    Mind you, I would be enjoying it a lot more if my pony could harvest seasonal materials or I had another way of getting more currency! And if there were more people to give roses to!
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.