Character Searches and Profile Views not working

Discussion in ' Website Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-eafleoo, Jun 30, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-eafleoo Guest

    I am not able to see my profile on the website. I cant see any ever since the server merges.. Only toons I have noticed I can see are people on Oasis.. thats all I am able to see.. But I moved over to Unrest and now I cant see any.
  2. ARCHIVED-Katz Guest

    The site is broken. Smokejumper posted in a thread in the general area that someone is working on the website.
  3. ARCHIVED-Lithillia Guest

    I am unable to make any of my profiles private anymore. it is so annoying cus i just dont want everyone to be able to look me up on every single toon. some i set a while ago, but i am unable to fix the new toons i have thus making every character linked to my new ones show.

    My deleted characters also shows up on that huge evergrowing list of mine.

    Is there a way, or will this be fixed? cus this bave been happening for a while now, and it is annoying.
