Changing Sub Class

Discussion in 'Wizard' started by ARCHIVED-Hot Stuff, Dec 1, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-Hot Stuff Guest

    Hello, I am wondering if there is a way to change your sub class? I accidentally hit the wizrd button when asked and i actually want to be a warlock. I have NOT done any of the quests to be a wizrd as of yet. I would really like to be a warlock, PLEASE help.
  2. ARCHIVED-Stavenham Guest

    Petition, petition, petition. Will they be able to reset you, I don't know, but it's the first place to go, and seriously, dont do anything till you get an answer one way or the other. They may have to reset your character to a time just before that, and you may lose some things you've gained since then.
  3. ARCHIVED-Straylight Guest

    As I recall, I had to click twice to become a wizard.
  4. ARCHIVED-Geldin Guest

    Yep you do have to click twice that you want to be a wizard.
  5. ARCHIVED-~Mercuic Guest

  6. ARCHIVED-Hot Stuff Guest

    Thanks, I have sent a petition and I am currently waiting for an answer. I am hoping that they will be able to reset. I will be fine if i loose the xp i have gained, I can re-do that No problem. I was just hoping that maybe I could delete the quest somehow.