Changes gone MIA

Discussion in 'Conjuror' started by ARCHIVED-Gormak, Aug 28, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Gormak Guest

    This seems to have been let go now, but we were told we'd be seeing 2 changes and now its all gone quiet again:
    1. Removal of Pearl cost for CoH
    2. Adjustment of Antagonise (Pet dps stance) to include a buff component to make it worth while casting on mage pets.
    We had devs post that both changes were incoming, and nothing produced or commented on since.
    Information/update please?
  2. ARCHIVED-Xalmat Guest

    So far the CoH change has gone Live. No more pearl cost.
    As far as the Antagonize goes, no change thus far.
  3. ARCHIVED-thog_zork Guest

    howver stance fix went not live !
    just another brocken promise
  4. ARCHIVED-Lantis Guest

    Xalmat wrote:
    They forgot to update the spell description then. Last time I checked (last week), it was still mentionning a pearl.
  5. ARCHIVED-MaCloud1032 Guest

    I still consume a pearl when I cast it
  6. ARCHIVED-Xalmat Guest

    Darksavanna@Venekor wrote:
    Weird. I don't have any pearls in my bags anymore and I still cast fine.
  7. ARCHIVED-Lanar_Lifeline Guest

    tried to cast yesterday, said "missing componant" -- something still not right.
  8. ARCHIVED-Xalmat Guest

    Blambil@Nagafen wrote:
    Just cast it just now. No Pearls in my bag. Summoned my group member without issue.
  9. ARCHIVED-MaCloud1032 Guest

    This might be a naggy only issue >_< kinda like the call cast time not being 10sec
  10. ARCHIVED-JenoJeno Guest

    I call with no perl costs as well, and i'm on naggy...

    not sure whats up
  11. ARCHIVED-MaCloud1032 Guest

    /boggled I called someone last night and used my last one
  12. ARCHIVED-Lanar_Lifeline Guest

    Glad/Sad to see I'm not the only one it's broken for.. .Guess I'll /bug it and see what happens..
  13. ARCHIVED-Banditman Guest

    No pearl cost on Kithicor.
  14. ARCHIVED-Enderbsd Guest

    Gormak wrote:
    Big bump on this. Any devs have a comment on the Antagonise change?
  15. ARCHIVED-thog_zork Guest

    well another update and STILL no offensive stance fix ..
  16. ARCHIVED-Riggly Guest

    I posted the same issue with the pearls and reported the bug a long long time ago. I am on Naggy and I have the issue still.
  17. ARCHIVED-Valdaglerion Guest

    I just looked and it says requires a "softly glowing pearl" to cast still and it is using them when I cast it.
  18. ARCHIVED-Xalmat Guest

    I'm curious. What "rank" is your guys' Call of the Hero? Mine's Master rank.
    Yes, it's oxymoronic that Call of the Hero has ranks, but it does.