Change voting on Expansion Unlocks from 30+ to something else

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Regolas, Jul 29, 2015.

  1. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    Why do threads like this always deteriorate into RL stuff like this.

    Who cares how much you play, thats your choice. 30 Hours doesn't mean you can't have a full time job, it means you do 3 hours on a weekday evening, and 7 and 1/2 hours sat/sun? Not exactly that hard to do.

    People have different play styles, get over it.
  2. Charlice Well-Known Member

    I am over it. I'm happy with the decision. I'm just sick of this 'OMG CASUALS STONE THEM' crap.
    Stating you work 30 hours, and pretending that's the norm though, is just a bit silly imo. Unless of course that's a normal work week in America?
    Cheribomb likes this.
  3. Mankar Active Member

    Just no? I commonly work 50 hour weeks and if I wasn't married, I would still be able to play the game 30-45 hours a week.

    Also pretty sure you missed the point. Pretty sure the point was he got that far while still working 30 hours that week. Doesn't mean he normally works 30 hours a week. If anything, people in America work more than 40 hours a week as the norm...
    Hammdaddy likes this.
  4. Ucala Well-Known Member

    you are sick of the hate on casual talk, yet you go full force on the hate on hardcore.
    sounds like a good argument
  5. Charlice Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure you didn't even read the quote I was replying to. But whatever.
  6. Hammdaddy Active Member

    30 hours is basically full time to some people, 40 to me seems about full time but give or take its basically a full time job. Secondly it only takes about a day of play time to reach level 20. A day and a half to reach 30, xp on this server is way to high anyway.
  7. Hammdaddy Active Member

    I'm not even saying stone casuals, im just saying someone who obviously doesn't have time to play video games is crying about not being able to play at level 50 before the cap with people who play. Do you really want this server to be at level 50 for half a year for every casual to hit 50 (xp gets so difficult 30+ people will get burnt out very quickly) the launch game was like half a year and that was just because it took a VERY long time to reach cap level that it kept people engaged in the content.
  8. Alenna Well-Known Member

    that is exactly what you are saying when you say that because they don't adventure like you do they don't deserve to vote on whether to go to the next expansion or not. You don't craft you don't know what is in each expansion for crafters those of us who craft know. Stop acting like your playstyle should be the only one that matters and if that is not what you are saying you could have fooled me since you are whining about this change.

    btw I not only craft but adventure infact they are of equal value to me but even if I concentrated on just one aspect of the game I would feel that those who concentrate on a different aspect then I do should be treated as second class citizens. Because unlike you I understand that all playstyles valid.
    Kelvani and Strings like this.
  9. Mankar Active Member

    Actually, I did. I happened to be responding from my phone and was to lazy to multi-quote. Nice deflection though. Was pretty good.
  10. Charlice Well-Known Member

    Well here you go, you can read it now.
    Sorry I didn't realise it was better to suggest players take up a single player game.
  11. Nuhvohk Active Member

    but i do craft, didn't you read my posts when i said it's advantageous to do both? you're ignoring what i'm saying and projecting your own insecurities.
  12. Taemek Member

    90 days per expansion, with a 14 day voting window. If voting fails, then redo the voting period every 30 days for another 14 days.

    This is more then fair for everyone.
    Ceyllynn likes this.
  13. Kelvani Well-Known Member

    Look. I get someone might want to advance the content to content they care about. I get wanting server firsts. Heck, I had been really enjoying getting server firsts on my carpenter until I physically couldn't take the hand/wrist strain and had to back off. There is nothing wrong with you wanting to get to the content you want, UNTIL you stomp on others to get there.

    Comments like "go play a solo game" are just anti-productive. Casual players socialize. They go out and harvest, they craft, they decorate and that is a very valid playstyle. You may not care for it but they PAY to play their way too. Let the vote decide one way or the other in the end, but respect people's right to vote.

    If it goes the way you are hoping it will, well there we have it. More people think like you. If, however, it goes the way the take it slow crowd hopes it will, then its pretty obvious more people want that experience. If this bores you, then there are other servers that can be played on while you wait for the content you care so passionately about to reach the unlock point.

    As a casual player I personally am tired of being put down for taking it slow, and being called an alt-aholic like its an insult. I am dern tired of the intolerance, especially when I try to understand the POV of the aggressive player. Do you think gaming companies could survive on "locust players "revenue? No, they depend on the casual player who actually sticks around instead of flitting from game to game chewing it up super fast then getting bored and moving on.

    Well, news flash. A lot of folks who came back to the game for Stormhold's reboot DO care passionately about the good ole days and remember fondly vanilla EQ2. Others of us played on live but we are thrilled to go walking down memory lane (nostalgia WOOT). We are not going to be silent anymore about it either. I applaud the devs for looking into this more closely and opening the vote to a larger portion of the population. That is good customer service and shows they value everyone of us, both hardcore and casual alike.

    As for myself, time to go smell the roses, and harvest them! I have boxes to make, furniture to discover, mobs to kill and quests to complete. WOOT NOSTALGIA!
  14. Adevil Well-Known Member

    Maybe because Hamm brought up his RL situation and how many hours per week? Discuss with him why.
  15. Adevil Well-Known Member

    Yep, if you are still in high school.
  16. Mankar Active Member

    I give you 1 out of 10 in reading comprehension. I said I read it and you quote it for me to read again. If you can't figure out how my response tied into your reply to both that quote and your reply to Errrorr's quote I can't help you.
  17. Adevil Well-Known Member

    Voting window is 7 days. 30 days between votes.
  18. Mankar Active Member

    I think casual players seem to have to imagined wrong doing against them. Casual is not dictated by your play hours, but how you play.

    When we want the vote to have a minimum level, it is because we don't want it exploitable by level 1 toons from people who don't play TLE. Furthermore, while I do think everyone playing should get an opinion, if someone is level 10 two months in, voting no is literally in an effort to hold the entire server back.

    Most people I know who rushed to cap are voting no the first time. I respect the playstyle of casuals and acknowledge they have a right to vote, but you in turn have to respect the playstyle of hardcore people and realise that it goes both ways. Instead, I see people going slow trying to force hardcores to wait until they are ready while in the same breath condemning them for trying to rush them. Hypocrisy much?
  19. Adevil Well-Known Member

    I don't think anyone does, but honstly, you should stop shooting yourself in the foot if you want support.
  20. Adevil Well-Known Member know many who rushed to cap? Personally I know none...heck don't even know anyonewho is at cap yet even. My bad, I suppose.