Chains of Eternity all inclusive???

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Mesander, Nov 13, 2012.

  1. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    Actually, my main goal is to punish the ones currently whining about the $40. :eek:

    The rest is just collateral damage*. :oops:

    But yeah, they'll probably leave AoD as purchasable. And we'll still probably continue to see people whine about the price for years to come. ;)

    Note: There is probably a reason that my evil characters get more play time than my good ones do.

    * This could possibly be mitigated by coding in something to check if the account was used between the launch of AoD and the launch of ToV. But I'm not certain that coding that in would not be more trouble than it was worth.
  2. Ahupu Well-Known Member

    Don't feel bad Rotherian. When I level TS toons and do the New Halas quests I always prefer my evil toons because it is infinitely more fun to break and blow stuff up than it is to repair it. So I am with you on the evil ones hehe.
  3. Ladymist Well-Known Member

    so how long you going to keep this OLD THREAD from NOVEMBER going.
    is it gonna go to next november. just fork out the cash already you will have it Again by then

    its funny how in pvp thread a mod locks a thread saying not to bump old threads and it is from February. This thread is from3 months before that and is Still got people who don't like to pay for things whining
  4. Malvin Member

    I didn't bump the thread, I had actually forgotten about it since of course I don't play anymore. Saw thread as I was looking for EQNext information.. point is though that the thread is still valid. Why lock a thread unless SOE fixes the problem?
  5. Malvin Member

    Hey, I'm not playing or paying.. but I don't see SOE making a change. :)

    I know and understand that they are trying to make money and I'm not a fan of pay to play stuff that they are doing. Think of it this way, under the monthly charge you had everything to play and explore, if companies go to F2P then folks are only going to do things that are 'free' or things that fit their play style. For example, I would never spend RL money on crafting stuff in the game... but under the monthly plan I'll experiment with it and understand it

    To get back to the point though it's still crazy that they would charge 40 bucks for it. There is nothing that can be said to justify that cost.
  6. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    Then don't pay it. It really is that simple.

    You don't seem to feel that you are getting adequate value for $40, therefore you probably shouldn't spend the $40. Some other people feel they are getting adequate value for their money, so they pay it. It is strictly a matter of which represents a greater value to a given player.

    However, rest assured that they will be doing the ala carte thing for AoD's features Soon™ (probably around the time that the next expansion hits).
    Deveryn, Kalderon and Ladymist like this.
  7. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    Yeah i think they might add it to the next expansion, i don´t say it would be dumb to bundle it with lowering costs for returning players as incentive.
    But none did complain about a xpac cost this and that, never keep in mind that it only can be used in certain levels ^^