Casting Time on Insight

Discussion in 'Swashbuckler' started by ARCHIVED-MailFist, Apr 26, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-MailFist Guest

    Am I alone in thinking the casting time is far too long on one of our class defining CAs (as was)?
    I rarely use it these days (except on pull) for fear of losing an autoattack or knowing i have better CAs to use. It's hardly a big source of dps...
  2. ARCHIVED-Henge42 Guest

    It does take too long.
    I only use it when all my CA's are down and I'm waiting for them to come back.
  3. ARCHIVED-MailFist Guest

    Anyone else feel the same way? Maybe if enough people express concern the devs will look into things.
    I figure it's just a throw back from when 100+ haste etc was something very, very unusual. Not really blaming them for not considering the impact on a slow cast CA but either the damage or the casting speed needs to be looked at.
  4. ARCHIVED-Leenee Guest

    Yep too long. Only time I use it is when all my other stuff is down and I'm waiting for it to come back up. Honestly don't ever see enough of a difference in my dps to make it worth bothering with.
  5. ARCHIVED-Greymatter101 Guest

    No joke! I think that it is bugged anyway. Every time I use it, that triggers the MoB to use his Punt CA and I find myself across the room and by the time I scramble to get back on him, it is gone ....
  6. ARCHIVED-Henge42 Guest

    Greymatter101 wrote:
  7. ARCHIVED-Leenee Guest

    Greymatter101 wrote:
    That is SO true.....when I cast it the mob automatically casts whatever stun/stifle/knockback/fear it has.
    Especially those drakes in VP.
  8. ARCHIVED-Kidou Guest

    Yeah the casting time IS far too long IMO. Cutting it in half would go a long way.
  9. ARCHIVED-BaronVonPitviper Guest