Case #176 Dead Erudite, Stonestair apt. 1.

Discussion in 'Traveler's Tales' started by ARCHIVED-Zennaros, Apr 12, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Zennaros Guest

    [East Freeport; night; raining]
    A hooded, robed figure hails a Kerran traveller who just entered the city gates and beckons him over. The traveller approaches in modest equipment, dark leather armor and a small sword, watching himself on the wet stone cobble on his way – cautiously at first -- keeping one hand over his head to shield himself from the rain, and the other over his squinting eyes as he tries to make out who it is. The hooded figure says something he can’t make out – too downtrodden to understand – still too far away. The traveller comes close.
    “Ge-get out of the rain,” he grumbles in an old, scratchy voice as he ushers him under a wooden awning, “Read this, quickly.” A cascade of rain water is pelting the meager roof and running down it’s crevices as the traveller brushes off and looks at the man thinking how this may be one of the only places to stand in this city and not get soaked on a dreary day like this.
    "What's your name?" the figure asks. "Arturos" the traveller replies, "what is yours?" "That... matters not, right now. I need your help, so read these. Tell me what you know."
    Arturos looks at him first; in the face, but the sun has receded too far – it’s too dark. His dark red hood shadows his face regardless of the dim lantern he holds to the parsel in front of you. What’s he want? Arturos looks down and begins reading.
    He's seen these before, but never out of the hands of a militiaman. It’s a crime report tied to a black book. Undoing the simple knot, he glances over the top document.

    *((Areas marked [------] are illegible and wet where rain drops obscurred the ink.))

    ----------------------Arturos moves the page to the bottom of the stack and looks at the next one-----------------

    “Are you finished?” he asks in an emphatic tone as the Kerra finishes skimming the documents. Despite not being able to see his eyes, he knows they're glued on his every reaction.
    Arturos let him know that he finished skimming over them but the figure sees from his face that he's still confused.
    “What does this have to do with you, you’re thinking.” He says. “I need to know if you know the person described! It’s imperitive I find him. I've been looking all day. No one can help... and the longer I stand around here with stolen documents, the less likely I am to live. I need to find the person who was seen leaving the building."
    “What do you mean ‘find him’? Who are you talking about? And what’s in this book -- Who are you? When did this happen?” Arturos asks.
    The figure shakes his head while Arturos is halfway through his questioning: "I'll explain everything shortly. The person seen leaving the building is who I'm interested in. Do you know anything of him?"
    “I… might,” the Kerra said relunctantly.
    Shaking his head he lets out a sigh. “Follow me home. We’ll talk about this book, but we have to be quick – He’ll certainly come back for it.”
    The hooded figure moved, and the Kerra did as well, in tail.

    -=+=-More to come-=+=-
    ::EDIT:: Drastic revision in both story and format. It needed it... this is a work in progress.
  2. ARCHIVED-Zennaros Guest

    [[Reserved for more.]]