Carpet of El'khazi movement delay

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Dorofei, Jul 30, 2013.

  1. Dorofei Member

    I've had this mount maybe a week after finishing the quest line in the Sinking Sands, and I noticed that when you load into a new zone or use intercity transport, there is a movement delay on the mount right after you load up. I don't know if it's on my end, but none of my other mounts do this. Maybe its like two seconds, nothing game breaking, but a little irritating. Wondering if anyone else experienced this.
  2. Lempo Well-Known Member

    Since the day it came out.
    When you load into a zone there is some lag time while it retrieves you current buffs from the servers this is the cause of it.
    Not likely anything will ever get done about it, just too much work involved to fix something that isn't really 'broken' at a great risk of breaking something deeper.
  3. Dorofei Member

    I had a feeling this might be the answer. Thanks for the information.
  4. Prrasha Well-Known Member

    It's a "feature" of all carpet-type mounts. And there's no "buffs from the server" reason that carpets would delay while horses or other ground mount appearances would not...

    Back In The Day, every mount had a delay while an animation played of you getting on the mount. Of course, "Back In The Day" we only had horses. Then they added flying-carpet mounts, and though they didn't have a nifty animation, they kept the "mount up before moving" delay.

    For some reason, that delay still exists for carpets (and some similar "hovering ground mounts", like that cloud from the end of the Kingdom of Sky solo questline), while it was removed from other mount styles. I'd love to have some of my alts on the flying cloud (perfect for a Fury, wot?), but the delay is too annoying.