Can't see names of mobs in distance

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Tezzil, Sep 14, 2023.

  1. Tezzil New Member

    since appr. 2 months I'm having the problem, that I'm not able to see the name of mobs which are far away, means more than 10. I just see the name of the mob and if it's aggro or not as soon as I'm standing directly in front of it, but than I'm aggro it already. I only see quest relevant mob names far away, but not all others (except I'm highlighting one of them). A few month ago it was possible, to see if a mob is aggro or not even it is far away.
    I already changed all UI options to high and also resetted all settings to very high quality but nothing changes. Is this a new feature or just a problem on my own? It's really frustrating can't see aggro mobs before I aggro them :(
    Lateana and Twyla like this.
  2. Twyla Well-Known Member

    It would help if you gave them your server and character name.
  3. Tezzil New Member

    sorry, you are right :(. I'm on Thurgadin and it affects all chars (eg Drizhd).
  4. Kamikaze-TMX New Member

    if its not yet solved, you can always play safe by using ya mouse going over the mobs before running around the mobs.. its easy.. i see them before i aggro but i wanna see further so i already go with my mouse over them before they get into name range
  5. Tezzil New Member

    it's still not solved right now :(. Thank's for the hint, but it's not so funny to go with the mouse over each mob. And it worked a few weeks/month ago.
  6. Lemilla Active Member

    Put the following lines in your eq2.ini file:

    # Distance for hostile nametags
    cl_prefetch_wait 120
    Twyla likes this.
  7. Tezzil New Member

    Sorry for the late response :(. Thx Lemilla for the hint, but this I've already tried without success. But till the last EQ2 patch, I still can see mobs which are farer away again :D. Thx to all :)
    Twyla likes this.
  8. teekung4533 New Member

    The issue you're experiencing where you can't see the names of mobs that are far away might not be due to a new feature, but it could be a result of your in-game settings or addons. You mentioned you've already adjusted the UI options, but it's worth checking if you have any addons that might affect the visibility of mob names or aggro indicators. Some addons can modify the default UI behavior. If you have any addons related to nameplates, try disabling them to see if the issue persists.
    Twyla likes this.