Cant change freeblood illusion through barber

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Tabri, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. Tabri Well-Known Member

    I cant customize the freeblood illusion yet I can all of the other race illusions please fix this because the only option you get is pasty white color for skin color you cant change the skin color to anything else. thx.
  2. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Actually, I believe that the 'pretty' appearance that is normally shown is the actual 'illusion', the 'guise of the monster' is supposed to be the 'real' look of the vampires.
  3. Spindle Well-Known Member

    You have the ability to change only the tint of our beautiful skin. Why should you wish to change the color of our covering? We are, of course, Children of the Master and therefore beautiful.
    Shmogre, Avahlynn and Xillean like this.
  4. Shmogre Well-Known Member

    It's a racial trait, much like ogres or trolls are limited in the color palette available to them for skin tones. Be proud of who you are, embrace it!!
    Avahlynn and Spindle like this.
  5. Tabri Well-Known Member

    The color of the skin doesnt change how ugly the freeblood in illusion form is, I just like the skin color darker, I brought this up only because it used to work and now it doesnt for some odd reason maybe some patch broke it, its not something I am trying to get added, just fixed.
  6. Spindle Well-Known Member

    Hmmm, May want to check your settings. I just changed my guy from egg shell white to waaaaay too long in the tanning bed. Thanks for the suggestion to darken the skin tone. I really like the cheek bone definition now. ))

    Logging out and back in kept the tan. Whew.
  7. Tabri Well-Known Member

    Weird what settings do I need to change? I havent changed my video card in like two years dont get why all of a sudden the darker shades arent working for me now I also cant change the hair color she stays egg shell white with white hair.
  8. Charlice Well-Known Member

    Vampires don't have souls, so they can't see their reflection.