Cannot travel ....zones unavailable?

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Ibethia, Dec 4, 2023.

  1. Ibethia Member

    All chars present on char select... Log into guild hall and can zone out to Tim Deep... but cannot fast traver Or use the bell.. load scree n hangs then gives me mesage "that zone is unavailable" so i am basically stuck in Tim Deep.

    server: Kael

    Edit to add that my chars on HoF CAN travel so it seems to be on KD server only for me

    Edit2 well it seems i Can travel to certain places.. But cannot access Freeport or Frostfang Sea... just weirdness.. i can fast travel so SS... Commonlands SB etc just not those 2 starter citys for now so i can get around to an extent.. just no familiar quest or city festival for me today i gues :)
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