Cannibalistic bag

Discussion in 'Players Supporting Players' started by Leafa, Jun 9, 2013.

  1. Leafa Active Member

    Recently, my distant relative alt, Pinkerella, tried to drop a meager harvesting bag into another claimed bag in my house vault, and the meager bag ate the other bag! I'm concerned that this zombie like behavior has spread from the othmirs on Cobalt Scar? While the personal damage was minimal, I quickly filed a petition to alert the GM's of this frightening un-baglike behavior. Within minutes, little Pinkerella felt a polite tug on her extremely gorgeous tonga tail, and GM Mootle was there to address and resolve the Voracious Bag Issue.
    I've always said the Soe hires the best GM's, but GM Mootle raised the bar for a professional, efficient, and FUN response! GM Mootle, you are the Awesome Sauce of Norrath, and I hope you get a promotion and raise!
  2. TSR-AlexS Well-Known Member

    I would love to see a bag eating a bag in action lol. I will be happy to let Mootle know and appreciate the positive feedback :p