Can we please have Music Boxes override Ambient Music?

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Estred, Feb 10, 2014.

  1. Estred Well-Known Member

    I love some of the new music Boxes... but they sound terrible with my normal Guild Hall music trumpeting over them.

    Simple thread with a simple request really.
    Wirewhisker, Nynaeve, Payton and 2 others like this.
  2. redwoodtreesprite Well-Known Member

    Some do override the guild hall music. Like the Drum of the Shattered Lands that I got from a guide quest. The guild hall music stopped when I clicked on the drum to play and the Everquest music started.
  3. Estred Well-Known Member

    I did more trying... seems it has a very finiky setting that softens the Guild Hall sound. Would it be possible to actually swap out the Sound Channels though?

    - the box in question is Bolgin Reigns.
  4. Lizabethan Active Member

    This happens in my normal housing. I've cranked up the sound as loud as I can, but the ambient music still plays.

    +1 to the thread!
    Avahlynn likes this.
  5. Avahlynn Well-Known Member

    +1 as well.
  6. Nynaeve Active Member

    If you have "a repaired piano" - clicking on it shuts down the GH music and plays a random tune once - after that you can use your music boxes without interference - unless you move to another area in the GH, like from the outside to the inside or vice versa (this re-triggers that dreaded GH music again).

    I hate GH music, especiall the "good alliances" one, the evil music is less annoying, but still it should shut down when playing something else.
    Would be nice to have some item like a gramophone or such that is a conduit for all existing music items in the home, so you can select and play all tunes that you currently own... or they can just implement this into the GH door - or even better the Guild menu.