Can we please have furniture merchants for:

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Gneaux, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. Gneaux Active Member

    Kelethin and Darklight Woods and Frostfang Sea and Gorowyn. With the revamp of questing making these areas new starting zones, and the house items being rewarded, it would be VERY nice to have a merchant that would sell us these house items in game, very much like the Freeport and Qeynos merchants do when you complete the quests, it opens up the items on the merchant. I would very much like more then one Velka's Honey Pot to add to kitchens, without using the only one I have, or "a Lost Soul" to make Night of the Dead themes for ghosts.

    Anyone have any other ideas for merchants we could use that could offer house items?
    Geden and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  2. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Brilliant idea, though I know why they did it in the Big Two cities; a lot of those items were from the old suburb racial line quests (and you can buy them flat out now, without having need to do the quests any more, since you can't [but at least we were still left the items; thanks, devs! :)]). The ones that you really need to still do the quests to get are often sold as well by a dude on the docks at Nektulos Forest...Shady Swashbuckler, or something (or his descendant). ;->

    But yeah, I, too would love to see these additionally available for purchase by us folks who've done the quests. ;->

    Shadrac and Gneaux like this.
  3. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Actually, now that I think of it, there may very well be some items in New Halas, at the very least, that are similar/identical to the ones you can get through the quests...they cost a pretty (gold) penny,'s been awhile, I'd have to double-check. :-/

    Shadrac likes this.
  4. Gneaux Active Member

    There is a furniture merchant in New Halas, but it doesn't have all the pretty carpets you get from questing or some of the other items.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  5. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    This is true...always remember, EQ2 Furniture is your friend. If you know the name or category of the item, it's a snap to look stuff up there, and she has the origins of all the items listed. :)

    And yeah, a lot of the coolest stuff is quest-only... :-/

    Gneaux likes this.
  6. Gneaux Active Member

    Thus the request for a merchant we can buy the quested house items from once the quest has been completed :)
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  7. Lera Well-Known Member

    I asked for this at Fan Faire - the reason they don't do more of these is that not everyone is interested in furniture (I have no idea why), and that making the quest rewards only available through the quest allows them to be sold on the broker, so non-furniture collectors can still get something out of the quest.

    Just remember when searching on EQ2 Furniture: Kelethin and Gorowyn and New Halas are not zones.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  8. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    ::blink:: They aren't zones? At least the items aren't No-Trade... :-/

    also wondering why people wouldn't be interested in furniture, but after seeing some of the "homes" of people he's bought high-level armor from (or at least their Crates), can believe it :-/
  9. Kamoj Well-Known Member

    The zones are Greater Faydark, Timorus Deep, and Frostfang Sea - not the city name. ;)
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  10. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Ah! Cool, thanks! Makes sense. ;->
