Can we have some more Aerakyn Lore please?

Discussion in 'History and Lore 2' started by Tajar, Nov 29, 2014.

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  1. Rainmare Well-Known Member

    I think they explained it as the corruption from Thule/Rallos of the horde made it so man of hte places were literally inaccessible, evne by people who should access it. even the Steward had places he couldn't go thanks to the Horde.
  2. Lucida Member

    Yea, I was thinking if most of the aerakyns thought of only returning to the place of their orgins or thought of Vesspry Isles when they eventually 'die' it would make sense if they returned there or a afterlife much like the mountains they remembered.

    By the way, I once tried to write a in-game book on dragons but so far I'm lacking the proper knowledge of all everquest dragons. Can someone name me the different types of dragons or tell me their background? All I do know is how they came to Norrath through the goddess dragon.
  3. Rainmare Well-Known Member

    that's really it, they are divided Ideologically or by thier 'brood' ie their order of births. the First Brood, which is dragons like Trakanon, Yelinak, Jaled Dar...the next brood is dragons like Nagafen/Vox/Severilous/Gorenaire/Talendor

    the other dragons are based on thier element. there are Fire/Ice/Earth/Air/Poison I think are the main known. Toxxulia is a poison dragon, Naggy is fire, Vox was Ice. Trakanon was an 'air' dragon I beleive. the Gold/Silver we've only seen like 2, the original warders.

    Yelinak and Jaled Dar of the girst brood, leaders of the Claws of Veshaan and the Ring of Scale respectively, were more a seperation of ideology. the Claws were more about let the mortals do thier own thing and not get involved, and the Ring was about 'we need to actively shape the world in our favor'.
  4. Meirril Well-Known Member

    Poison isn't one of the "pure" elements. I think there are only 4 of them (air, earth fire and water). Some dragons are more specialized in their element (Ice is very common amongst dragons, even though it is a sub-type of water), while dragons that breed two different elemental types create a hybrid. The red dragons are fire based. The blue dragons are air based. The earth dragons are brown/tan/gold. Water seems to be green.

    For instance poison is a hybrid. I think it is earth-water, though I could be mistaken about that. There are equally strong reasons to say it is air-water. Mating across elemental boundaries is allowed, the restriction is against opposite elements mating. Which means our poison dragon couldn't be air-earth because that result should be a (different kind of?) prismatic dragon like Kerafyrm.

    When your talking about Hybrid dragons the danger of them creating a prismatic dragon is greatly reduced. They would need to find another hybrid that is the exact opposite of them, which may not even exist.

    The Gold and Silver dragons are a special case. They were pulled by the Djinn Master from another Thread, and they don't follow the standard rules of other dragons.

    The elemental type of a dragon generally determines its powers. Red types all use fire or fire based magic like lava. Blue type dragons use lightning, electrical and weather/storm attacks. Brown/gold types are usually more physical though some of them have displayed acidic qualities (acid is an earth attack?). The Water dragons seem to range the most in color. All of the ice types are white or white blue. They exclusively attack with ice and manipulate ice. The one you run into in the Vesspy Deep is blue (blue-green?) and uses water attacks, including an impressive life energy buff. Woushi seems to be a water type (or a growth type hybrid?) and uses nature influenced magic.

    Mostly dragons separate based on philosophy. All dragons started in the Claws of Veeshan. The Ring of Scale separated over the matter of how to best deal with the threat of the lesser races. Much later the Awakened Cult formed around Kerafyrm both from those that supported him as an image, a symbol, his goals and the ones he or his followers recruited through various means. Some dragons joined the Awakened Cult out of greed, others because they wanted revenge against the Claws of Veeshan for various grievances. Some followed Kerafyrm because they though he was a god, and that he could make good on his promises to reshape Norrath in his own image.

    Every brood had elemental type dragons. First brood were the dragons that came directly from Veeshan. Second brood refers to the First brood's first generation of children. Technically speaking the second brood could either be cut off at that, or if you just wanted to include all of the first generations children then it could drag on through the ages into the age of blood because I think there were active couples that were still alive and possibly breeding until about then. Considering that dragon eggs take centuries to hatch, drawing lines is difficult at best.

    Nobody makes a big deal of anything beyond the second brood. Probably because of this whole blurring of the lines as you get farther away from the first brood.
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