Calling All Launch-Server Veterans: Check Your Character Creation Dates!

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Arbiter, Sep 1, 2015.

  1. Chrisworld Active Member

    My oldest two characters are 7/21/2007 and 4/16/2008 on Mistmoore. They still show the correct dates If I check. Mistmoore was merged into Permafrost in 2010 I think?
  2. Azian Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I don't think it has anything to do with characters that were part of server mergers. It seems to just be characters that were individually transferred from one server to another. I looked at my 2nd and 3rd oldest characters who were both created on Grobb then merged into Everfrost and they appear to be fine. It's just the original character that I transferred from Ogguk to Grobb that has the problem. I believe the "creation" date showing for that character would be the day I completed the transfer to Grobb rather than the day it was created on Ogguk.
    Arbiter and Siren like this.
  3. Chrisworld Active Member

    Oh, well my 2007 guy was transferred from Permafrost to Antonia Bayle, in 2010. Then I transferred him back to Permafrost in 2014, but he still has the original date. Must be isolated incidents.
  4. Azian Well-Known Member

    My guess is that it is not really isolated but rather that they changed their server transfer process somewhere along the line between the earliest days and later years. I also have some later transfers and they seem ok. Naturally, this is just wild speculation on my part based on extremely limited anecdotal evidence though. So, all in all...what do I know!?! :)
    Siren likes this.
  5. Siren Well-Known Member

    I really do also think that back during those original Feb. 2006 mergers, if you chose the free transfer token elsewhere instead of going with the merge, they made a new character identical to yours on the new server. It had all your old gear and levels, but its character creation date would have been new as of the date you used the transfer token.

    In all likelihood as time went on, SOE began doing character transfers in a different way that preserved their original creation date. Whether this alteration was intended with the method change or not I don't know, but I have characters I transferred via buying SC tokens in later years and their creation dates are still the same as they should be. It's just the oldie wizard that's messed up.
  6. Lateana Older than Dirt, Playing EQII since 2004

    I too have characters whose creation dates were altered by server moves in 2005. I do not think this is the case anymore. My signature shows the date I transferred to Shadowhaven in 2005, but she was really created December 24, 2004.
    Kryzia and Siren like this.