By the way...

Discussion in 'Signatures' started by ARCHIVED-FadetoGrey, Apr 1, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-FadetoGrey Guest

  2. ARCHIVED-FadetoGrey Guest

    [face="helvetica"]Still want an inquisitor. Who's leg do you have to hump to make a sig for someone?[/face]
  3. ARCHIVED-shirka Guest

    [p]I don't have an inquisitor, but I do have a warlock..... available :) (iksar warlock)[/p]
  4. ARCHIVED-FadetoGrey Guest

    [face="helvetica"]Aw, Ronja, talk dirty to me... <3 Hehe I promise you don't even have to use it! My list is just getting short.[/face] :shock:
  5. ARCHIVED-Khellendrathas Guest

    Heh, I have an Iksar inquisitor but she doesn't have the pope hat yet (she's only 59...).
    If you hump Matsumi's leg randomly I will let you borrow Khellendrathas for screenshots if you want. :p [/face]
  6. ARCHIVED-StBBadBoy Guest

    So are you wanting to make a sig for someone cause if thats the case, Im your man...Im in dire need of a sig.
  7. ARCHIVED-Lunnagirl Guest

    [p] I play an Inquisitor and I'm almost never on the recieving end of someone elses creative inspiration. If you want a model I volunteer.[/p][p] [/p]
  8. ARCHIVED-shirka Guest

    [p][/p][p]8 screenshots : EQ2_000000 til EQ2_000007[/p][p]name: Ronizzar K'Laereth[/p][p]class: warlock, server: Runnyeye, guild: Lowland Elites[/p][p]I'll put your sig into a random cycle, Kaeta. Very good instructions you have on your website. Soon I will be building a completely new website of my own. Any objections if I copy the"random"-instructions?[/p]