Butcherblock Server- Invitation to Decorators

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by ARCHIVED-rowanleigh, Sep 12, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-rowanleigh Guest

    One of our guildmates died rather suddenly, and we are going to build a personal memorial garden/library in our guild hall to honor our beloved friend. However, I was thinking I would like to build one for the server, and am inviting decorators on Butcherblock to come help build a serverwide memorial.

    I am using my empty felwithe house, and will be putting it on the leaderboards so access and paying rent will be a moot issue. I prefer that space as opposed to a guildhall. I am looking for decorators with the following attributes:
    1) colloborative in nature
    2) can put ego aside and take constructive feedback from team members
    3) layout editor a plus, or willing to use layout editor on behalf of the layout editor inept.

    Let me know either private message here or in game email/private tell if you are interested. I am looking for max of team of four, and am scheduling a meeting for the weekend.

    Thank you.