[BUG] You are not entitled to any of the items in this chest.

Discussion in 'Quests and Live Events' started by ARCHIVED-RoguePyke, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-RoguePyke Guest

    In the last week, I've started participating in the public quest events ("Echoes of the Ring War" and "The Battle of Storm Gorge") in the Great Divide, in an effort to improve my faction standing with the City of Thurgadin. However, I have run into a serious gameplay-impacting bug AT LEAST FOUR FIVE TIMES: After completing the event and receiving a message informing me that "The grateful coldain have brought you a treasure!", I go over to loot the chest that has appeared and then I am told in bold red letters: "You are not entitled to any of the items in this chest."
    Excuse me?!? Three out of the four five times this has happened, I was the ONLY player participating in the event; I was there from the beginning to the end and I was the only player doing the work, hence I should be the only person entitled to anything in the box that these "grateful" Coldain brought. The other time this happened, there was one other player present; we were both active participants, but at the end, NEITHER OF US could open the bloody box!
    I just got done doing the "Battle of Storm Gorge" event at 2:00am PST, and now I'm staring at what appears to be an ornate or exquisite chest ("a large treasure chest"); again, I was the only player present and participating, yet I can't open the lovely present that I did all the work to earn.
    PLEASE FIX THIS ASAP, this is REALLY aggravating and happens WAY too frequently (I've only done the event maybe a dozen times, if that?)

    UPDATE: Just did the "Echoes of the Ring War" event at 3:00am, and same @#$% thing happened AGAIN!!!
  2. ARCHIVED-Juravael Guest

    I've seen this happen to folks before unfortunately.
    You might want to /petition and /bug, /feedback about this as well if you have not already done so.
  3. ARCHIVED-RoguePyke Guest

    Glenedhel@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Did that, good suggestion though--thanks. :)

    In other news: This has happened 2 more times since my posting, we're up to an official count of SEVEN times this has happened. The last 2 times, there were 2 or three other people there, and again NOBODY could loot the chest.
  4. ARCHIVED-Marm_Oz Guest

    Add THREE occurrences for me. Have also submitted /bug.

    If you can't loot the chest, the quest does not update so not even a Cloudy velious jewel. Nada.
  5. ARCHIVED-RoguePyke Guest

    Since my last post, add an additional SEVEN TIMES that this has happened to me (three of which have been just today, and we're only 5 hours into the day). Seriously, can we see some action taken to fix this ongoing and FREQUENT problem??
    I am highly irritated that you have implemented code that is causing more problems than it is solving. Especially in light of how few players are actually participating in public quests, I hereby request that you please REMOVE this "feature" that is supposed to prevent players from getting rewards who aren't actively participating until you are absolutely POSITIVE (and have thoroughly tested!) that it works as intended and is not punishing players who should be rewarded for their efforts!
  6. ARCHIVED-kelesia Guest

    You should know that SOE doesn't thoroughly test anything. I'm sorryyou've discovered the bugs in the game we all love, but don't hold your breath on getting game breaking bugs fixed, as features such as dungeon maker (exploiter) or soemote are more important to the team.
    It's just something you get used to dealing with SOE - nothing works right the first second or sixth time and nothing will ever get fixed in a timely manner (or ever)
  7. ARCHIVED-The_Cheeseman Guest

    Lillya@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Game breaking bugs tend to get fixed rather quickly, in my experience (except for client performance issues, but that is an order of magnitude more complicated). This by no definition a game-breaking bug. However, you may want to try PM'ing one of the devs here on the forums about this, to have them look into it and see if there is something wrong with the participation code for the PQs right now. I doubt such a bug would be noticed quickly, because you are the only one I have heard of actually trying to do those PQs since Skyshrine launched.
  8. ARCHIVED-ravenJ Guest

    LOL and here i thought it was because I wasn't doing my part in a lone battle. I've yet to get anything from the chest. It ALWAYS says "You are not entitled yada yada yada" I guess the folks who fix things cant read either I mean 2, 3 even more hotfixes every week and still no results....ahh I know why! They fix what they want to see fixed not what the players ask to be fixed.. I guess they havent learned that the best way to increase customer base is word of mouth, and its hard to be excited when you ask for fixes but they rarely if ever come :(
  9. ARCHIVED-primezeppelin Guest

    This has happened to me before with both ring war and storm gorge. I was the only one there and completed ring war from start to finish but still got this message. It doesn't always happen and I can loot it at other times so I'm not sure why sometimes you can't.
  10. ARCHIVED-Valgrave Guest

    I've tried this six times for the Antonica one and never been able to loot the chest.
  11. ARCHIVED-feldon30 Guest

    When Public Quests hit Velious beta, they worked GREAT. Windslasher did a tremendous job building them and they needed relatively minor tweaks to get them finished.
    Then players started complaining about players standing around AFK and getting rewards. Windslasher made some changes and that should have been the end of it.
    Instead, players whined for MONTHS about people being able to get rewards for not "giving their all". Week after week we saw more and more unnecessary changes to Public Quests making them more annoying, and having an ever shrinking threshold of what determines "participation".
    Windslasher ended up moving on to other things and his plans to add PQs to virtually every zone in EQ2 and then move on to other awesome interactive events were dashed.
    There's one group to blame for why PQs have the problems they have now, and why they never really spread that far: Players who worry more about the splinter in someone else's eye than the 8 foot plank in their own.
  12. ARCHIVED-Bumfit Guest

    Has this issue been fixed yet?
  13. ARCHIVED-Wyspyr Guest

    Had this happen to me a couple of times at the ring event in Commonlands while helping a guildmate. I thought that maybe it was because I was mentoring, but then another guildmate joined us for another round (same level as the other guildie) and he was unable to loot from the chest either.
  14. ARCHIVED-Valgrave Guest

    Gninja, any chance you can look at this while also looking into the broken achievements? It hasn't worked since implemented.
  15. ARCHIVED-Wurm Guest

    feldon30 wrote:
    Very nice summary feldon, however SOE does share in the blame for listening to those players and acting on their complaints.
    @ the OP what class are you?
    I usually jump on the PQs solo, when I happen to be making my rounds and see one is active. So far I've gotten a chest every time.
    I'm wondering if its related to how much DPS someone is putting out?
  16. ARCHIVED-General_Info Guest

    Wurm wrote:
    for a while i was not getting flagged for rewards as both PQs solo now i find if i zone to RW with the painting a minute before it starts i get rewards as for storm gorge i sit outside the quest trigger radius and then enter it a minute before it starts and i've yet to not get a reward.