Bug - Wurmbone’s End [Advanced Solo]

Discussion in 'Test Server Forum' started by Onodi, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. Onodi New Member

    FYI All Blocker grayed out during my fight with him...i killed him anyway. Not sure what triggered the "gray" i don't keep the break encounter yell on my bars.

    Because of that the Necromonger didn't spawn though so in turn the zone is broke this round.

    I'm fine with accepting the need to kill the additional 2 sub bosses (zone was to quick anyway), however this might need to be looked into. I know the All Blocker has an odd leash, only pulled him to the right corner of the entry to the caves.
  2. Estred Well-Known Member

    All-Blockers aggro range is larger than his Leash range at least on Live. I have frequently been punted/ported by him or trash and he resets. If he is to be made a necessity then his Leash range must be extended to the entrance of Necromungers cavern and to the entrance of his own outer cliff area.


    This is extremely crude but I did a fast-sketch in Photoshop on this, colors are kinda because I was doing ice in another file and the colors carried over. Also not sure about the Greying out... that could be an additional bug.