[BUG] The Final Blow NOT updating

Discussion in 'Quests and Seasonal Events' started by Ceyarrecks Wunnfirr, Dec 2, 2016.

  1. Ceyarrecks Wunnfirr Well-Known Member

    for one, these ground spawns of Arcanna'se Precious Metals are super rare, seems like I can only have 2~4 on my person at any one time.

    However, I have now made seven (7) of these Spire Anchors, and the quest is NOT updating.
    The quest is NOT indicating (# of #) needing to be crafted.

    The quest helper does not even flash indicating update.
    I received my updates for today's loyalty, but no updates for this quest.

    Please fix.
  2. Xianthia Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure what it is that you mean. To be clear to myself on your steps, you created the pillars. You then clicked on the three broken pillars and they didn't create a portal? Is that what is broken for you?
  3. Ceyarrecks Wunnfirr Well-Known Member

    The quest itself.
    It still states, even after seven (7) Spire Anchors made, to "prepare suchandso."
    So waiting on a patch that indicate this quest's number of anchor needing to be made, and how many of said needed amount have just been made.
    So that when it updates, I know I am done and can proceed to the next step,... you know, the normal way to complete tasks, as opposed to taking things for granted, expecting I can read minds or something.
  4. Xianthia Well-Known Member

    I don't believe anyone is expecting you to read minds (not speaking for anyone btw).

    You obviously found the room that had broken pillars in it, there are three of them. That room as you entered directed you to the library for a way to fix said pillars. You also obviously found that room since you looted the recipe in the library. Why you think it needs to spell out the number when you could "clearly" see three of them needing fixing is not clear.

    Having the quest give you the answers seems a bit of a reach on this particular quest being that all the clues are laid out for you :)

    Hopefully you've figured it out and are on your way to a very nice reward! Congrats btw, it's a long quest line.
    Quillyne likes this.
  5. Ceyarrecks Wunnfirr Well-Known Member

    just the principle of the matter.
    with the additional expectation of correctly following the task.
    DBG is notorious for inconsistencies in quest lines, one item needed for each soandso, one item works for all other items needed; different items for each other item,...
    so i hold them to a standard of consistency and clarity in quests, they have done it in the past,...
    I am not expecting too much either, they know how to be consistent, they know how to follow protocol; as they obviously use TCP/IP Internet protocols consistently, else this website nor their game servers would be online,...
  6. thulia Active Member

    nothing broken on this quest, you get your update AFTER you go through the portal and do the timed quest for the queen
    Malleria and Shmogre like this.
  7. Shmogre Well-Known Member

    As Thulia said, the quest isn't broken. Keep in mind, this is the tradeskill *epic*...it is meant to be a bit tougher, a bit more in-depth, to allow you to use the skills and information you've gained through your crafting career. The environment, NPCs, and quest text all give the information you need to progress (and the wiki has information from the people who've done the quest before you).

    Keep your eyes and mind open, read what is given, investigate and try...you'll get there. Wishing you the best of luck!
    Ceyarrecks Wunnfirr and Malleria like this.
  8. Rosyposy Well-Known Member

    Just ran it tonight on a mystic in Twark gear... died once, but had no trouble finishing the quest and the questline. Got my mount and cloak! There's a good writeup on the wiki, and I just followed it step by step (this was my second time through the TS questline).
    Shmogre likes this.
  9. Mystfit Well-Known Member

    Isn't the quest step just "There is an upper level find a way to access it"? Which, until you fix the portal, then go through it means the quest doesn't update for any of the steps you've done? It does't update when looking for the scroll, for the items you need to make nor for when you craft the items. Prettttty sure most of us were able to count to 3 and know that's how many we needed to make.
    Lojaak likes this.
  10. Domino Well-Known Member

    The quest stage says "prepare the relics", and the additional detail in the journal says "There is an upper level to Arcanna'se spire which I'll need to find a way to access".

    The quest stage will update when you reach the relics (the statues on the upper level that you discussed with Brytthel), and repair them. This is working as intended. As others have stated, this is an epic quest and is intentionally a bit less hand-holding. You are told the goal ... you need to figure a way to do it. :)
    Shmogre likes this.
  11. Ceyarrecks Wunnfirr Well-Known Member

    ooo, Thanks.
    it still results in vague and ambiguous instructions.
    Thankfully, through the help of the community, I was able to finally succeed where lack of clarity left off.