[BUG?] Siren hair from Shady

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by Niami DenMother, Feb 27, 2015.

  1. Niami DenMother Well-Known Member

    This past week, the following was in the patch notes.
    While he may or may not be selling the siren hair on that step now (I don't have any on that step), he is no longer selling the siren hair to those who have completed it, much less for those who are on the step that needs the Sacred Coldain Thread from a tailor. (Someone in /homeshow today failed at that combine, and was unable to get another siren hair to finish the combine.) This person is well and truly stuck unless they either get a positive response from their petition, or they grind another crafter through to the proper step in the shawl quest.
    Feldon likes this.
  2. Ocarinah Well-Known Member

    I know what is going on with this. I was going to help a friend finally finish the shawl quest after they had stopped working on it long ago. The quest was very confusing since you had to do other quests first before you could finish this one. What happened was the person thought they lost the siren hair and went to the shady guy on nek docks. He sold her the siren hair. She crafted one of the repaired shawl steps since she had the recipe (why she thought she lost the siren hair in first place). Turns out she was supposed to do one or two more steps before given the hair. This bugged out her quest since she could no longer craft the repaired shawl since it was already done. Now her quest is dead and has to start all over just because shady guy sold the item too early. When she petitioned they told her too bad and start over but a day after she told me what the result of her petition was I saw the patch notes about the siren hair. There is no way for my friend to test since her quest is all messed up from the eager Shady Swashbuckler. I cannot test since I have all of mine completed. I can say that the Shady Swashbuckler wouldn't sell me a siren hair before this patch was made since I checked before she had tried to buy one herself.
  3. Niami DenMother Well-Known Member

    Actually, that's not the issue with this one. This was someone who did the quest steps in the proper order, and then had a failure on the Sacred Coldain thread. Shady really needs to sell the siren hair once they're on the proper step *and* beyond, until they've completed the entire shawl quest.