[BUG] Romantic Gifts to Craft II

Discussion in 'Players Supporting Players' started by Cyrrena, Feb 5, 2016.

  1. Cyrrena Well-Known Member

    I had scribed all Volumes of Romantic Gifts to Craft in previous years. I bought Volume IX this year and scribed it as well. While crafting items for Lovely Lacquer Achievement, I found that Volume II recipes are missing from my book. When I search all recipes by book, Romantic Gifts to Craft Volume II does not show as scribed. I bought another scroll and tried to scribe it again but it says "you have already scribe this". I put in a bug report. Has this happened to anybody else? I would appreciate any ideas on how I might fix this myself.

    Thank You

  2. NrthnStar5 Well-Known Member

    I discovered this yesterday. You have the recipes, but in the recipe book list (in the filter) actually calls it something else... I was looking at my filter to tell you, but just now see it's listed properly as "Romantic Gifts to Craft II". I would double check, as it wasn't listed properly yesterday so they must have fixed it.
  3. Cyrrena Well-Known Member

    Thank you for your reply. I tried searching for plush couch or luxurious couch and neither showed up. I appreciate you looking for me.
  4. Kelvani Well-Known Member

    Try More Romantic Gifts to Craft in the search filter.
  5. Aivet Well-Known Member

    The couches come from "Romantic Gifts to Craft V" and use a sewing table to create, so make sure you're not targetting a woodworking table when you're searching for it.
  6. Cyrrena Well-Known Member

    Thank you everybody for your replies and assistance. It ended up that a GM had to rescribe the Erollisi recipes to my book. Thank you again.