Bucket of Icy Snowballs - Santa Glug Gifty - You get ice balls from

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by redwoodtreesprite, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. redwoodtreesprite Well-Known Member

    Bucket of Icy Snowballs is a house item gifty from Santa Glug. When you click on it in a house, you get the option to get icy snowballs from it. But how do you throw them in the house or guild hall you are in when you don't have the icy surface there? Wouldn't it be better to get the non ice snowballs from it that are not no-zone and can be used anywhere and do not require the icy surface?
  2. redwoodtreesprite Well-Known Member

    Can't edit above post, so am doing a followup. (Also this was posted in the wrong forum I think, so I will ask it to be moved.)
    The icy snowballs you get from the bucket CAN be thrown in a regular house, at least we could do so in our guild hall.

    The description on the ones gotten from this bucket should be changed however.