?? - Bruiser AA Spec - BIS gear - ??

Discussion in 'Fighters' started by Divexo, Mar 2, 2018.

  1. Divexo New Member

    What AA specs you guys/gals running nowadays for Solo/Heroic/Raid and the DPS/Tank variants? Is there a BIS thread yet for Bruisers? Sorry for the noobness. Just came back to the game and wanted to play something other than a Ranger. So why not a Bruiser?
  2. Redlight Well-Known Member

    I think a fair few Bruisers have switched to playing Monks for a couple of reasons,if you have just returned maybe switching might be worth looking at.
  3. Divexo New Member

    What are those reasons? I am new to the class so nuances are ignorant to me. I mean, I can roll hotkeys with the best of them, just wondering what the reasons are is all.

    Also, if anyone can answer the OP at least a starting point , I am interesting at being the best at the worst class. Once I get an idea of the rotations and reactions, I can fine tune it to be efficient for me.
  4. Meilay Active Member

    DIVEXO, feel free to check my spec, it is open on EQ2.u.
    Raid tank and DPS specs, also happy to answer questions on the class, and, no Bruiser ISNT the worst class, those monks just have an advantaged ability atm, which means when "we" bruisers tank the same content....must be all skill.
    Meilay (Bruiser) on HoF server
  5. Divexo New Member

    You're my kinda player Meilay! Unfortunately, or maybe not, I already betrayed to Monk, got my mythical, converted it, and am now working 2.0 and leveling.
    Sounson likes this.
  6. Sounson Active Member

    Smart man! :)