Broken Crusader "Heal Crit Bonus" AA

Discussion in 'Spells, Abilities, and General Class Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Grekath, Jul 5, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Grekath Guest

    Hey Guys, i betrayed back to an SK after playing a paladin for about 6 months. I have had this AA, which is thru the Sentiinels Fate AA Tree, right below the final ability for the intelligence line in the KOS Tree.

    I have had this AA selected and maxed out as both an sk and a paladin and i can confirm it is BROKEN

    It is supposed to increase your heal crit bonus by 16, but it actually does NOTHING.

    There is no change in my persona window for crit bonus what so ever.

    Testing shows there is no change is healing with this ability selected.
    It has been broken since launch of Sentinels Fate, when crit bonus and alot of other abilities were consolidated.

    As of right now it is a waste of AA points, my Shadowknight would be hitting 75 ish crit bonus with this AA working

    Please look at this.

  2. ARCHIVED-Harowen Guest

    If you're basing whether an ability works or not based on what it says in the persona window, then you should be aware that if it says "heal crit bonus" that does not display in the persona window. For sk's, lifetap healing goes up based on damage crit bonus, not heal crit bonus. So the ability only does anything for paladins anyways.
  3. ARCHIVED-Jeal117 Guest

    it should effect the heal portion of many of the sk's abilities
  4. ARCHIVED-Gungo Guest

    Jeal@Unrest wrote:
    Heal crit has Never effected life taps.
  5. ARCHIVED-Jeal117 Guest

    Gungo wrote:
    checked your healed out on ANY sk or pally anytime in the last 5 months?
    since no one seems to understand what a heal out portion of a parse looks like THIS IS WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE! ONLY HEALS and whether or not they happened to crit!
  6. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    How do you gather from that parse that it was affected by heal crit rather than just crit chance?
    Those are 2 different things.
  7. ARCHIVED-circusgirl Guest

    I'm not seeing whatever that parse is meant to illustrate.
  8. ARCHIVED-Jeal117 Guest

    Atan@Unrest wrote:
    as of Sentinel's Fate they are not.
    its not a parse it is a list of the heal portion of our sk's taps through underfoot just last night (thus the HEALED OUT at the top ) and.. they are critting.

    Vinka@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    its not a parse its a list of the heal portion of the taps (thus the HEALED OUT at the top )and the fact that they are in fact critting... sigh
  9. ARCHIVED-ashen1973 Guest

    Just because Life Tap show sup in the heal portion of the parse, does not mean that the game mechanics class it as a heal spell.
    All ACT does is scan your text file logs for certain phrases.
    For Lifetap, you will get 2 lines of text in your chatbox.
    Fatal Lifetap hits XXX for X damage (or similar)
    Fatal Lifetap heals you for X (or similar)

    ACT will pick up both lines so register information for lifetap in both the damage and heal sections of the parse.

    As the actual game mechanics only allow any spell or ability to be classed as one type, you can't have lifetap being affected by both your damage and heal crit chance.
    So, the mechanics of the game mean that Lifetap is only affected by your damage crit bonuses.
    your heal crit chance has NEVER affected lifetap.

  10. ARCHIVED-Harowen Guest

    Jeal, lifetaps crit based on spell crit, because they are an hostile spell that has a heal rider. Heal crit bonus means a beneficial spell that has a healing component will receive a bonus. Since lifetaps are hostile spells they don't receive this bonus. Nobody's saying they won't crit, they're saying that the heal crit bonus aa does nothing for you because you have no spells that meet the criteria. The fact that ACT collects that data in the healed out section has absolutely nothing to do with what mechanic governs the ability. To tell what kind of ability it is, you have to look at the very first thing in the effects window. For example: Stuns target Deal xxxx-yyyy damage Above we have a stun, and so the crusader ability that breaks control effects and grants immunity will grant immunity to stuns. Deal xxxx-yyyy damage Stuns target This spell looks very similar, but in fact it is not a stun. Instead we have a direct damage spell, that has a stun rider. Your crusader ability will not grant immunity to stun effects from this spell because it is not a stun. In order for your lifetap to actually be a healing spell, you would need it to say the following: Damages target for xxxx-yyyy damage Casts super crusader heal on caster - heals target for aaaa-bbbb Does that clarify things?
  11. ARCHIVED-Jeal117 Guest

    the amounts show that bonus is in fact affecting them considering that the top end of the heal portion on a lot of these taps is WELL exceeded even though a lot of them are low due to being nearly full health most of the time.
    heres one that is damage first heal 2nd yet still the heal seems to do MUCH more than listed?.. how is heal crit bonus not effecting this...
  12. ARCHIVED-Lord_Ebon Guest

    Jeal@Unrest wrote:
    There's lots of sources of crit bonus. The fact that it clearly critted decently has nothing at all to do with whether or not a specific source of heal-only crit bonus affected it. Generic crit bonus that you see everywhere will affect it and might have been enough to bump it up.
    To really test it, you'd need to remove all sources of crit bonus, etc. and then test the amounts healed with and without the AA. If the max healed is greater with the AA than without then it works for that spell. If they're about them same, then it doesn't.
  13. ARCHIVED-Gungo Guest

    Easy way to test this jeal is do a testcopy reset your aa take off your gear and make sure you have nothing or extremly little crit chance then take Only enough aa to max the HEAL CRIT aa and see what it does.

    Go parse on a training dummy and you will notice NO GAIN on life taps the heal or damage portion.
  14. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    Jeal@Unrest wrote:
    Actually, I think in this case, they are still different.
    There are numerous effects that only affect specific spells. Think of it like Beneficial Alacrity V. It doesn't appear in your casting speed number in your UI, however it does affect the casting speed of beneficial spells only.
    Just like some classes that have Crit Bonus that is increased for only certain abilities. This bonus is applied to these abilities though it isn't reported in the UI anywhere.
    In the same way, you can still have Heal Crit only via aa. You would need to show me a paladin parse casting the same heals with and without the AA to see if over time the crit% is the same or not.
    As previously stated, I don't believe this heal crit has ever applied to lifetaps, as they are factored as damage spells and not heals.