BRIGAND NERF JANUARY 19TH, 2017 TLE - Double Up daze effect added -

Discussion in 'Players Supporting Players' started by Jnrai, Jan 20, 2017.

  1. Jnrai Member

    So, after the patch today, there was a daze effect added to the brigand double up ability that means no auto attack while it's active. I've had to remove double up from my hotbar because it ruins dps now and will switch to swashbuckler until soe gives back the brigands bread and butter , double up was such a useful ability if timed correctly with auto attack, it would actually boost dps somewhat close to a swash buckler or ranger. Now when double up is used its like a fish out of water for 6 seconds doing low damage combat arts that hit for a few thousand damage, even though the double up adds slightly more damage by recasting the combat art depending on critical chance. The daze effect that soe stupidly threw in cancels out 2 auto attacks worth (6s duration, 3.6s timer auto attack) which is something like 12k-15k damage on tle stormhold. Why are we LOSING DPS BY USING DOUBLE UP. EVERY TIME?.. fix this pleaaase I love my double up and hate having to remove it from the hotbar because it ruins parse every time its used. There are no update notes that mention adding daze to double up, hopefully it's just a glitch and will get removed in the next update. If you're going to NERF A CLASS AT LEAST MENTION IT IN THE UPDATE NOTES. like hey were adding daze to double up, might as well roll a troubador because brigand dps is worthless now or at least double up. Thank you, please fix our double up ASAP - from a very salty brigand ..
  2. Jnrai Member

    People are saying that it's just a glitch and will be back to normal with the next patch I don't know they need to fix double up for sure, I will post more updates in detail asap waiting to hear back from daybreak today