Breaking Bones broken?

Discussion in 'Quests and Seasonal Events' started by Rorschact, May 1, 2013.

  1. Rorschact New Member

    I go to break the bone barrier. As the othmir repair mobs pop, I kill the decrepit first to stop it from repairing the barrier, then let the merc handle the rest of the mobs as I go to take out the barrier the rest of the way.

    Three times now, as I get it down to almost nothing, I hear a string breaking sound and it's back to 100%. Additionally, I get like 6-8 full repops on the repair mobs on the first barrier, not what is supposed to be just 2 on the first barrier, as listed in all the write ups.

    Am I doing this wrong, or is it bugged? I've tried deleting it and starting over. No luck.
  2. Adegx Active Member

    Just did this GIANT PITA. I think part of the problem is we are over dpsing the bones. Looks like they are scripted to pop a set of 3 adds and a bonemender? But often i was getting 2 sets at a time. Too fast a burn?

    Try slow rolling it. Burn the bonemenders. Work on wall. First set of pops burn only the bone mender and ignore adds. Repeat.'

    I did have to group to get through this. Poor merc kept getting pwned and i cant tank that many mobs on a squishy.
  3. Wolfsbaine Active Member

    I agree this quest is just really annoying. I would burn it down to about 40% and wind up with a mess of adds. I did it a bit slower a couple times, but I would wind up with 2 bone menders and a couple groups of adds and the wall would be back to 100%. Then if I survived i would have to start that process over again. Do I need to finish that line to progress? If so I guess I wont be doing any of the solo quests
  4. Mikai Member

    Ok, this is by far the stupidest quest I've seen in EQ2.

    The trick to it seems to be that when the adds spawn, use a target macro that reads /target a decrepit othmir bonemelder.
    Burn it down as fast as possible. You can ignore the rest of the adds, if you can survive them. Do that about 5 or 6 times (unless you have raid level dps or a merc). Focus on burning down the bones after the bonemelders until it finally goes down.

    It's not about slowing dps, it's about stopping those idiotic bonemelders before they heal it up too much, but if you're a casual player or on an alt, you'll fight about 5-6 sets of adds before you kill one barrier.

    SOE really needs to change this. This is overkill. They shouldn't heal up the barrier that much. Or, hell, make them only spawn once! As is, it's doable, but a realllly big PITA.
    Darqmyth likes this.
  5. Zeoni Member

    Totally agree I Got through the First set of Bone but on the Second The mob came at me in Bunches as soon as I get one bone mender down two more took it's place I just gave up on the Quest. and yes the bones never went down from 80% back up to 100% on the second bones.
  6. Darqmyth New Member

    This is supposed to be soloable, possibly having to duo a couple of spots. But this was insane! One time got the barrier down to 10% or so, then got burried under 3 bonemelders & adds as the barrier went back to 100%.Spending more than 3-5 min per barrier is unreal.
  7. Chrol Developer

    The following changes have been made to these bone barriers and the undead othmir that spawn during the encounter:
    • Barriers no longer regen on their own
    • The quest updates once the barrier reaches 10% health or less, vice 0% (which was, in some cases, preventing quest updates as they would revert back to full health upon reaching 0 health)
    • The decrepit othmir bonemelders heal the barriers every 15 seconds instead of every 10 seconds (they stop healing the barriers once they reach 80%)
    • The rotting othmir bonefiends spawn in groups of 2 instead of 3
    These changes will hopefully go in with the next update. (It'll be listed in the update notes.)
  8. Adegx Active Member

    Thats was your problem. I think the other changes are unessarcy and heavy handed. By far the most flustrating part i experienced was the barriers resetting back to 100%. It would happen as much as 3 times in a row for me. I assumed it was due having a bonemender up. Because i seemed to update provided no mender was alive.
    Cyliena likes this.
  9. Sambril Well-Known Member

    Thank you for the changes. This was one of the most frustrating parts of the zone. The focus for that quest should have been the boss at the end, not breaking the barriers to get to him :)
  10. GrouchyMouse Active Member

    In beta it was a pain. You had to start burning the bones asap, using any dots you had, to get it dead before the mobs spawned. I have only three dots on my Paladin, and had to make sure to start with those and just barrel thru all my ca's, never mind putting in auto attacks. It was a ca spam fest.
  11. Kaito Member

    Update Yet>?!?! Pissed with the unlimited spawns and healing :mad:
  12. Mills New Member

    It looks like the rotation on the model for the 3rd barrier is 90 degrees off. The longside of the barrier is parallel to the cave path instead of being perpendicular to it.
  13. Brennin Active Member

    My toon is 92nd level and has been able to complete all other 'solo' quests thus far without assistance (including ones which give armor he can't even use yet)... but this quest is downright brutal. I've done everything in this zone up to this point.

    If there aren't going to be any other changes made so I can do this without a group, can anyone at least let me know where I can find other 92+ level solo quest lines, in or outside of Cobalt Scar. I've leveled up almost exclusively by doing quests, and really don't have any desire to grind levels by going back and doing repeatable quests in prior zones or killing random mobs. (And please: if you're going to troll this request by telling me to group up, save both our time and move along.) Thanks in advance for any advice.