Bo of Flowing Blood-- intern in the art department design this one?

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by ARCHIVED-Etchii, Mar 9, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Etchii Guest

    [p] [/p][p]1) It drips water as a particle effect.... water... bo of "flowing blood"...and it drips water...and a drip is hardly a flow! why?[/p][p]2) It only drips said water when Auto Attack is activated.... why?[/p][p]3) When not in use it floats behind my character atleast 6 inches behind. It is no where near attached to my character's back. I understand there will always be a little space...but this is rediculus... maybe it's only on kerra's for this one.... why?[/p][p] [/p][p]Intern deserves an E for effort... Position this on my chars back instead of floating a mile away for a D, change the effect to red instead of water for a C, flowing out/along/whatever instead of drips for a B, and make the effect stay out of auto attack for the A+ =P[/p][p] [/p][p]This will of course never happen. [/p]
  2. ARCHIVED-Wrapye Guest

    As for #2, there are many items in the game that only have a particle effect when in combat stance, or at least I have a unknowing tendency to collect them ;) Eye of the Soulless and the Cold Blooded Blade (the latter of which is an Unrest item) are two of such. The Claymore items have some animation while not in combat, but really only generate particle effects while in combat.
  3. ARCHIVED-Etchii Guest

    [p] [/p][p]That one's the least of my concerns. primarily i'd like it to be positioned better while not in combat and on my back. then maybe make it flow blood instead of water =P[/p][p] [/p]