Blooded Hoop: Meh.

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Katanallama, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. Katanallama Well-Known Member

    So we just had the Blooded Hoops Ethereal drop yesterday from running a heroic instance, and honestly it's uninspiring. I get the whole 'mega proc at a risk' idea of itemization, but this one isn't enough to justify the -25% max health per hit. I took the closest direct comparison and put it side-by-side below in an image, the Highroller Hoops.


    Highroller may only be 2/3rds the damage but it also has a decent stat debuff attached. Another item, Cerata's wax seal is 350k damage but a -1.5mil detaunt, and the badge of the stone hive is a 400k damage aoe (*doesn't hit current target). All these items may be only 66-80% as strong as the blooded hoops, but are arguably much better given the secondary effects.

    Personal thoughts, if the damage stays at 500k the health damage needs to be reduced to 5-10% if not removed (ethereal proc vs legendary quality) or the damage dramatically increased.
  2. Darkon Well-Known Member

    The damage needs to be ~2 million, or the health needs to be lowered to ~5%. Those are the two ways to make that item somewhat viable.
    Katanallama likes this.
  3. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    Agreed. Damage is too low and Risk outweighs reward by about 5x.

    Make it an AoE proc and it may be worth it, or lower the HP tick to say 10%.
    Spira likes this.
  4. Sylke Well-Known Member

    Or make it something you can control, rather than a proc.
  5. Katanallama Well-Known Member

    So slight update, found out at least 2 others on Permafrost that I know of have transmuted this item :)

    in CoE (yea I missed 95% of that xpac lol) from what I saw briefly the allure of the item was that no other proc came close to it. This xpac however, is just a tiny bit better than other procs - but has a heavy price for being only slightly better.

    So yea, something needs to happen on this item :D
  6. balzor Active Member

    I think the major difference of this one vs last expac is that 25% hp last expac was meh, no big deal really. It would be significantly more difficult now for a healer to deal with that if 3-4 people in the group had that earring. And yea not to mention the proc dmg is not that much better than \aITEM 815822466 -142998583:Highroller Hoops\/a and \aITEM 1296528865 1357829948:Gem of Pure Energy\/a but its w/e because they did just toss it in for fun and the holidays, you arnt forced to wear it. Just an option if you so please!
  7. Darkon Well-Known Member

    Nah. It's not really an option. I have three of them right now. The problem is 25% hp on my sk is 250k, that's a non-trivial amount, for what amounts to a trivial damage upgrade over an item like the high roller hoops. It can also proc multiple times at once spiking you for 50-75% of your max hp, thereby killing you if you're not at 100%.
  8. Carn New Member

    Offered Jun'rah Heart and Blooded Hoops take my 480k hps so fast it is amazing. Great design!
  9. napu Member

    how and where do these festive items drop? the message of the day says all tov dungeons, does it just mean heroic ones? I kind of expect it to, but just to clarify.
  10. napu Member

    To answer my own question they do appear to drop in solos, they are listed in ornate crates as a possible drop. Not sure if I even want to know what the odds are though lol, i've been running halls of the betrayer all day and i haven't got anything other than pants to drop, let alone an etheral.
  11. Tabri Well-Known Member

    I have this item in my bags and it will stay there unless they lower the damage it does. They lowered the damage on the bloodied blade to 10% why not this also?
  12. Tabri Well-Known Member

    cant edit my previous post :( NVM that is the proc I need more coffee AWESOME TY :)
  13. Foretold Well-Known Member

    I had more fun this weekend solo healing heroic groups with three of the six toons wearing this earring... seems every one of our scouts and tanks has it. Super annoying :p
  14. Wulwyrlyn Active Member

    Rofl yeah wearing the two together and using the heart's clicky would be a horrible horrible idea, lol. That heart's clicky is overkill imho. I get the 50% life, but man it shouldn't reduce healing by *that* much lol. Cutting healing in half would be enough, but it makes it so essentially nothing can make your hp budge at all.

    Edit: also another disaster is wearing the item that procs potency but doubles the damage you take once it's procced all the way up, along with the hoops. Oh man.
  15. Mae- Well-Known Member

    I passed on these hoops yesterday because I have the necklace from raids that makes me take 25% more damage. That, plus this earring, plus a lifeburn = almost guaranteed death every time. Now that it's 10%, I might consider picking it up, but still a different consideration for Necro's who purposely sacrifice their own health for big hits =/
  16. Kander Developer

    There should be adjustments on these items that went in today.

    "Rejuvenating Kills II" heals for six times as much.
    "Angelic Interest II" heals for more than double the previous value.
    "Blooded Blade II" now inflicts 10% damage to the caster instead of 25%.
  17. Crychtonn Active Member

    You should look into increasing the proc rate and damage of the Angelic Interest. I tested it for about 5 days and ended up bagging it and going bad to the Aspect of the Dragon and Harrowing Tempest wrists. Outside of a rare AE fight where the Angel proc's right away these two would double or triple the amount of DPS the Angel did. And reviewing zone wide parses the Angel never did better the half of what the proc's of the others did and most times was around a third of what they did.

    I do like the item and think the little Angel it spawns that spams chat telling everyone he's going to wreck anyone that attacks me lol. But as it is now it's just not worth using.
  18. Kraeref Well-Known Member

    Guys, you adjusted Blooded Blade Ii, did you leave Blooded Blade unadjusted (earings that were droping in coe AS) intentionally. The procs were the same. Now blodded blade II inflicts 10% damage, blooded blade still 25%

    Can we ask for consistency? Thanks.
  19. Xelgad Developer

    Blooded Blade II is an upgrade over Blooded Blade. The increased damage and reduced penalty are those upgrades.

    We intentionally left Blooded Blade more dangerous.
  20. Kraeref Well-Known Member


    Thanks for reply!