Big Bad Berserker Changes!

Discussion in 'Berserker' started by ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine, May 24, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

    • Lost Adrenaline no longer prevents Berserk and no longer cause interrupts. (good)
    • Adrenal Flow can now be modified by potency. (good, but still very low..)
    • Rampaging Blow now has a higher chance to hit, cannot be parried, dodged, blocked or riposted. (very nice)
    • Bloodlust now also increases agility. (good)
    • Destructive Rage now grants Multi-Attack Chance instead of DPS. The value has been slightly reduced. (good)
    • Open Wounds now also triggers additional damage to targets within 5 meters of the berserker every few seconds. (pretty worthless, its still not worth casting, since it does about 350 DPS...)

    What about our EOF tree Fixes? - Alot of Our endlines are completely useless...

    What about Berserk? - How about 34-36% MA/0.34-0.36% Autoattack Multiplier instead of Haste/DPS?

    What about Juggernaut? (it needs to be a defensive spell that isn't worthless)

    What about Ward of Rage. - Seriously ... a random 294 Ward? Paladins have a 1200 point regenerating ward.

    What about the Warrior Tree:
    Such as Reversal not being able to be used without a shield, and also the fact that the spell kind of blows now that you have to wait 30 seconds to use it, Stance Mastery and Arena Endurance being pretty worthless.
    Relentless Assault being 12% Reuse/30% Recovery Speed, When Crusader's get 33% Casting/Reuse/Recovery.

    Adrenaline could also be 15% Damage Reduction and 35% Regenerated Healing.

    Are you planning on fixing our class? Our class was promised Fixes and we pretty much got the same attention as most classes, healers even got spell multi-attack!
  2. ARCHIVED-Brildean Guest

    Why you open another thread when you already opened 10 of them.. Post in one and jsut keep posting there. Tuor heroic tank isn't the only thing that matters.
  3. ARCHIVED-Destraum Guest

    Can't we just seriously ban this tool from the game period? I mean hell, even the developers at SOE gotta be tired of him after all these years of stupid posts and moronic ideas.
  4. ARCHIVED-Controlor Guest

    Failathion@Nagafen wrote:
    Sir if you are going to rail against another class at least get your facts about the class correct please. (Red is your mistakes corrected).