BG tips

Discussion in 'Conjuror' started by ARCHIVED-mykei, Apr 11, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-mykei Guest

    anyone have a tip for battlegrounds for the conjuror? so far i have been doing well in the 80 BG. xp is about 2-3% per battle and i average about 2 tokens per run. i do think elemental blast needs a shorter cooldown, seems like other classes have shorter timers for their one-shot moves. pets do well, pathing and keeping them in range is a challenge. root is resisted a lot for me and i would like to see an additional AE with stun or knockback.
    i'm trying to figure out how to set hotbar keys for BGs, this is not a class issue but seems to be related to the fact we are not on our home server at the time of the BG, but that is a guess.
    overall at 86 my conjuror does well in BG, top 3 most of the time for kills, but depending on healer and tanks it i may have a ton of deaths.
  2. ARCHIVED-calebheppner Guest

    Pump 8 pts into 'pet taunt'. It locks the opponent onto your pet for 2.5 seconds. Spec for ET. Space out your controll spells. Don't cast them one right after the other. I rarely need root unless I'm fighting a tough tank. I also bind my pet control commands, including 'translocate'; to my keyboard.
  3. ARCHIVED-mykei Guest

    i havnt tried pet taunt but i will, sounds cool. i only root when i am on defense and someone grabs the flag...
    i still havnt figured out how to set hotkey bindings for BG, it switches back to a default mapping when i enter. i didnt think it would be correct to change my binding keys during a battle but that seems the only time i can see the BG setup.
    i also think it maybe worthwhile to switch to 100% aa and hang out at 89.9%, my guess is 90 BG is a whole different ballgame, but i could be wrong.
  4. ARCHIVED-de lorian Guest

    on your home server:
    /save_keymaps home.txt
    in BGs type /load_keymaps home.txt
    i actually have a different one set up for BG...on home server i have nearest target set to mouse button 4...but on BGs i have it set to next hostile PVP target
    on home server just set up your keys for pvp and ... /save_keymaps pvp.txt then make a macro with /load_keymaps pvp.txt...just hit the macro when you enter BGs
    there is some great info about the /alias command on the flames site in the BG section...cant link to it but the alias command lets you pick a target on the fly and assign them to premade macros you have....very useful in BGs for tagging healer or that annoying wiz/lock

    Macro 1
    /alias gdnukingwiz:target %t
    (this gives your current target the alias gdnukingwiz and targets him when you type /gdnukingwiz)
    Macro 2
    /useability Elemental Blast
    Thanks to Nadjira on Valor for that his post on flames for more examples about the /alias command

    edit: I havent tested it but if you wrapped all that into a /do_file_commands you could probably add a /target_previous and drop the wiz without changing targets. Might not work as blast is dependant on LoS to pet etc
  5. ARCHIVED-mykei Guest

    thanks for that, i'll set it up tonight, nice work-around.
  6. ARCHIVED-Banditman Guest

    Root is such a long cast, I rarely use it. If you are trying to stop someone with your flag:

    WoV, followed ~5 seconds later by Calcify with the pet on them usually = dead flagger. Fill in whatever other damage you want while waiting to cast Calcify.
    If you are able to hang out in front of your base without being harassed much, that's the place to be. Because you are in front, you have a little time to pre-cast Blazing Avatar when your flag is grabbed.
    You can't one shot them, unless of course EB is up, but you can slow them down enough that they aren't getting away most of the time.
  7. ARCHIVED-mykei Guest

    aye, root is almost useless. i like to hang out on the left aqueduct to have the high ground, but a lot of spells are out-of-range until the runner gets the flag and starts out. the left aqueduct is a good place to hold the flag also imo.
    i noticed that i get hit with dispell sometimes, that's a pain. i was thinking about self mentoring down to 80 so i dont need to rebuff/pet when i enter but havnt tried that yet.
    clicking the pvp box on spells in examine is helpful also, some nerfs/changes there.
  8. ARCHIVED-mykei Guest

    i dont seem to see anything here posted by xalmat about BG specs, but i'm using a modified grouping spec based on xalmat's guidelines. it seems like everytime i look at the pvp version of the spells they are a little less dmg or duration. wish they would turn down the other classes also, but maybe they are doing them all.
  9. ARCHIVED-Banditman Guest

    Everything in BG's is tuned downwards.
  10. ARCHIVED-Carthington Guest

    I'm a necro but what works for me is I'll stun/root/fear my target and start casting encounter ae and blue ae first... spread the damage out more but also wrack up a lot of damage + kills when targets go down...
    Its hard if a tank locks you up but try and also focus your pet on the higher damage players to throw them off
    Only other thing to worry about is the rest of your team, if you get a team that can't get a kill you likely won't either and makes it hard to do anything...
  11. ARCHIVED-Riggly Guest

    I was the top pvp Conjuror in the world before I left for a year. In BG I NEVER root and in pvp I never do either. Use frigid winds on people running away and use BM and other prebuffs when you get a tank and healer together to help burn.

    Make sure you have people debuffing and attacking your target.

    I always end with most damage and most kills and I am lvl 80 atm. I am using TSO raid gear too. So my suggestion is to do what I suggest and a possibly not well known thing is that fiery annihilation cannot be resisted. Use it as much as possible!!! Goodluck


    Also..... Get on the stun stifle gear that you can find/switch in to balance out dps with attack. The ability to burn down a tank and healer is key to winning at BG imho.