Betraying Qeynos to Freeport question.

Discussion in 'Conjuror' started by ARCHIVED-retro_guy, Apr 15, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-retro_guy Guest

    I am contemplating betraying when Freeport gets the revamp, but the details on are a little confusing:

    "Betrayal is your way of changing your character's alignment. In doing so, you can choose a new city of the opposite alignment to call home. You are no longer forced to change your character class in the process, but the option is still available."

    So as a Conj will I be able to keep my class after betrayl?
  2. ARCHIVED-wullailhuit Guest

    retro_guy wrote:
    If you are a 'neutral' class then yes.
  3. ARCHIVED-retro_guy Guest

    So Conj must become Necro?
  4. ARCHIVED-Vaylan77 Guest

    No you can choose to stay a Conjurer. They changed it way back. Earlier you were forced to play as the other alignment class but now you can keep your Conjurer. I've done the betrayal quest just 1 week ago or so. And now I have a High Elf Conjurer on the evil side. Works fine. Also the information you read everywhere during betrayal concerning resetting your spells is wrong. They stay.