Beta Questline

Discussion in 'Test Server Forum' started by Elowith, Apr 7, 2015.

  1. Elowith Active Member

    Am finding the beta questline almost impossible to suss out what to do next, despite the helpful parrot. Is someone posting comments on this somewhere else? I see nothing related to it on reddit or here.
  2. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    I haven't finished the first dungeon yet, but I did manage to get the first key...still cussing at Petyr and trying to "boil" or "steam" him for the 2nd key :) .

    Here's the bit for the first keyt:

    - find the Highold Keep lift (it's the only one that works at first) and take it up to the top floor
    - go to the right along the rocky edge of the path (or just kill the wandering heroic mobs between you and the door), and when the 2 guards by the door are asleep go through the door
    - dodge the wandering guards in the next 2 rooms, and go talk to the guy with the quest feather in 3rd room He wants a bottle of rum from the bottom of the ramp that's to the left of the lift
    - the clicky barrels near the guards are explosives, and if you plunk them down at the top of the ramp they'll explode and take out those 2 wandering guards (need to place a 2nd barrel after the first guard blows up)
    - go down the ramp grab the rum, and back to the quest giver for the first key and another quest

    So far on 2nd key:

    - go down the Highold lift 1 level, and click on all the "tappable" barrels - be sure to avoid the guards
    - go down 1 more level and repoeat the clicking of barrels
    - go back to top level and grab the torch laying in the brazier right by the lift, back down and set the rum on fire - jump off into water or you'll burn to death. I was standing in the rum when I lit it, so if you stand back you may not get burned, not sure.
    - then work your way through the various workable lifts to get up to where Petyr is, and then you have to start messing around with the boilers. I've managed to have him cussing that "that almost killed" me, but haven't managed to kill him yet - keep ending up in the danged Storeroom Office and having to run back.
  3. olleran Active Member

    You have to loosen all 4 valves at the back of the boiler while he is standing in front of them
  4. Elowith Active Member

    Have managed to finish all I could find (due to the help of some kind folks). However, I chose to kill Nibbles, the annoying parrot, and still have the Aerial Burial quest as remaining. Having gone down that line, was locked inside the room. Does the Etheremere option work and/or progress the quest or is that the end?