Best way to solo from 90 to 100?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Liral, Apr 26, 2016.

  1. Liral Active Member

    I have never really been an end game player, been playing for years and never have had a toon at max level, but would like to get at least one of my 3 level 90 characters (Paladin, Conjuror and Fury) to 100 to experience some of the new end game features and content. Which toon and what path for solo (with merc suggestions if needed for the path) is the way to go?
  2. Delita Member

    Best way? Chrono to 75 and grind in Seb imo.
    Kittybock and Arielle Nightshade like this.
  3. Ratza Well-Known Member

    why solo?...why not get into some agnostics to get you to 95? Then quest and do SS/contested zones to 100.
  4. Xerikton Active Member

    I agree with ratza with the agnostics as getting a group via group finder is fast usually. but do agnostics until 94 and then switch to 100% aa. when you hit 340 aa which is the max until you hit 95, go back to agnostics to 95. at 95 molo in skyshrine which is doable as long as you leave the nameds alone and take only one group at a time. if you can get a group in there even the better.

    you can get new gear at 95 I believe with the tokens from the non tot agnostics quests in the tranquil sea. maybe it is 96 but anyways it is a significant improvement over the 90 stuff. that is something to think about too.

    the conjuror will be the easiest to solo.
  5. Guurzak Active Member

    90-95: agnostics. Focus on the older dungeons (top half of the list) until you have 150ish draconic etyma. Lock at 94.9 until you hit AA cap.

    95-97: gear up in Tranquil Sea using all the etyma you have. Molo Skyshrine.

    97-100: Tranquil Sea and Phantom Sea - solo instances, advanced solos if you regear at 98, signature questline, or groups/contested as suits your mood.
    DoomDrake, Lateana and Livejazz like this.
  6. Lateana Older than Dirt, Playing EQII since 2004

    It depends on what you like to do. I have used all of the following to move my characters up.

    For Questing, do the signature quest lines. They can be soloed with a merc. Its slow but can be fun.
    90 to 92+ Obol Plains
    92 to 95+ Cobalt Scar followed by Skyshrine solo questline
    95+ Tov followed by AoM

    For Grinding:
    Skyshrine from 90 to 100 and up to 350 AA, A merc is must and pet classes are the easiest at 90. Suggested levels for soloing are:
    90 to 92 The Covenant District
    92 to 95 Lyceum of the Recondite
    95 to 100 Dracur Prime.

    For Grouping:
    The suggestions above are fantastic.
    Twyla, Rosyposy and Livejazz like this.
  7. Tetrol Well-Known Member

    Castle Mistmoor has good mob density, rapid respawn - I often use it as an alternative to the often overpopulated Sebilis. An occasional run through Chelsith, Charasis, Chardok etc to break the monotony.
    Twyla and Kittybock like this.
  8. Regolas Well-Known Member

    Skyshrine gives best xp and is moloable and eventually soloable as you go through the levels with handcrafted gear.

    Unfortunately a couple of level 98+ players can pretty much keep it clear now.

    Doing the CoE, ToV and AoM timelines will get you many levels but will take a while.

    Sebilis is still good mentored to 75, but can also be kept clear by a few players.

    Basically heroic dungeons give best xp per kill, but the solo timelines will get you there.
    Twyla likes this.
  9. Aivet Well-Known Member

    When I hit 98, I grab the weekly advanced solo missions in Tranquil Sea, along with the appropriate dungeon missions. That got me a fairly massive chunk of xp on completion during the recent bonus XP (something like 700k total XP for the missions). Plus, I didn't have to spend 15 minutes wandering around Skyshrine trying to find something that was alive.
    DoomDrake, Lateana and Prissetta like this.
  10. Liral Active Member

    Lots of great responses. Thank you very much. Greatly appreciated.
    Lateana likes this.
  11. Maldek Active Member

    For class selection, I would give a slight advantage to Fury + Tank merc, I feel that'd be the most stable.
    A close second (an arguable best) would be Conjuror + Tank merc, it would definitely be fastest
    Clearly last place would be Paladin + Healer merc, as healer mercs are generally unreliable, and Paladin damage is something of an oxymoron
    captainbeatty451 likes this.
  12. CoLD MeTaL Well-Known Member

    Guild writs are the best way. Each 'set' is in the same area with solo repop mobs takes 10 minutes, repeat 4 times per level.

    It's not fun or exciting but it is consistent and always works, and doesn't rely on other people who will flake out on you.
    Prissetta likes this.
  13. Mermut Well-Known Member

    It won't help you gear up though, which doing Advanced Solo zones will.
    Prissetta likes this.
  14. CoLD MeTaL Well-Known Member

    I bet ToT AS solo gear will not have enough resolve to get you into the Zek heroics. Thus gear from them will be meaningless. Already no one will take you into a group if you have AS gear on.
  15. Mermut Well-Known Member

    1) We don't know what is needed yet. 2) Better gear makes things easier 3) For most people, doing zones is more fun then grinding out the same 4 mobs over and over and over
    Twyla and Rosyposy like this.
  16. Dolphinsgal Active Member

    I tend to mostly solo and have only started grouping when I got to 100. The Sig lines in the ToV, AoM help but are time consuming. I have also done the Guild Adv Writs to help level it gets boring but the xp bar moves quicker than adventuring. As for mercs I tend to use Daeron or the one from AoM xpac or the genie one from the merc bundles in the Marketplace (getting her is a crap shoot).
    The other thing I've seen is that if you can get into a HKC group and use a xp potion (even w/out one) you level quickly. I've been in there with people who are in lvl 80 gear but with a couple level 100's and didn't have much trouble. In there the problem is people pulling too much of the "trash mobs" and the group dies. If I see a HKC group forming I'll usually drop what I'm doing and jump in. If in there grab the side quests too they help with leveling too.
  17. Laaw Well-Known Member

    A way but not my fav way is to do the quest lines for the xpacs, then a little grind it gives you gear and learning your class. knowing your class helps in groups as much as gear.
    Prissetta likes this.
  18. DoomDrake Well-Known Member

    My picks
    Molo agnostic - namely Stigian till 95 (don't be shy use veteran reward portions for XP gain). In Stigian depending on class you can whack following targets
    caster with AoE root or mez - fist 6 pair of crawlers (should take no longer then 6 minutes including run back and forth) - zone out - risen and repeat
    melee or caster w/o ability to withstand those pair of crawlers - hit single target tree's of fairy or both - kill everything zone out - zone in don't bother with named
    caster with AoE nuking abilities - can do dogs as well but you need either decent mean of CC or decent AoE otherwise dogs will chew fast through merc and pet (if you have one)
    Also good idea spend a little time in old agnostics (molo) Charassis Maiden (6 named) and Erudit Library (5 named) they easy to complete and fairly fast - reward are etymas to fully gear your self at level 95 from Tranquil sea leveling merchant you need about 120-150 etymas if you are sub you will earn 8 etymas per run (so you need at least 15 runs through old agnostics)
    Side note: if you get TERRIBLY bored in doing so - hit Looping plains and hit vampire instances here (those scales to 95 or so - very fast to run, decent exp potentially lvl 90+ masters
    Once you got 95 - go to Tranquil sea and get full set of gear from leveling merchant
    From here there are few options but I'd start with flying around Tranquil sea do all disco, kill all on-land named and do timed quests (at least some of them) - that will net decent chunk of exp and I'd expect it might take you to 96
    From here you have again multiple choices - one (that I usually do) - do signature line for AoM (useless gear wise but you will get in the end decent flying mount).
    Other option just molo Sky shrine (if you find anything to kill lol)
    Third option - check all 90+ zones in terms land disco + killing all on-land named (won't take terribly long time but net nice exp)
    At 98 (as many suggested) start hitting daily/weekly AS solo mission at Phantom Sea
    Prissetta likes this.
  19. Mamitan New Member

    I played from Lv82 to Lv95 at The Hole. Self Mentor to Lv80 from 90
    I was lucky enough to be an armorer.Buy weapons and shields from brokers
    Although gems and cloaks remain weak
    Skills that were 49000 damage at Lv94 have been increased to 490000 damage.
    As a result, you can always defeat Lv80 and Lv92 Heroic^^^ with one shot. EXP767 Bounuse 1534EXP
    Just passing by will kill all mobs.
    However, since it is so strong, I am thinking of trying other unreasonable dungeons.