Best Secondary for Armorer? Tink or Trans

Discussion in 'Tradeskill Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Kaishodan, Feb 19, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Kaishodan Guest

    [p]Still working on my 33 armorer, and was wondering which would be a better secondary? Inkering? or Transmuting? In the long run, I would say its about the money and how much to be made, thought I like the fact that there are some pretty neat items that only tinkerers can use, like the snare AoEs. [/p][p] [/p][p]Any suggestions help. Thanks[/p]
  2. ARCHIVED-Ogrebear Guest

    Well trasmuting you can make some money.... but only really at the highest levels.. the lower level are flooded with the thing you can make.. Tinkering has some nice items, but alot are no trade or have to be used by a tinker to be able to be used...
  3. ARCHIVED-Kire Guest

    The question is, is this character an adventurer. If not, then go transmuting. If it is, then tinkering may be useful to you. Tinkering you do for yourself mainly.
  4. ARCHIVED-Devilsbane Guest

    Actually if the character is an adventurer, Transmuting is still the best option. When tinkering is changed a tinkering adventure will be a burden. You need a transmuter as you main for those no-trades, lore items, and times when inventory is full.