Best Idea EVER!! New Player house idea

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Aran Anar, May 26, 2016.

  1. Aran Anar Active Member

    I have best idea ever for a new player home I hope there is some chance that could be done in EQ2.

    1) A Mistmoore Catacombs Player home.... and give it the Ability to be bale to place guild hall items inside a choice of 2 homes 1 normal player house and 1 Mistmoore Catacombs Guild Hall !!! What do you guys think?

    Personally id pay day break for a Mistmoore catacombs guild hall. If this can not be done a nice Mistmoore Catacombs player house a am 100% certain would sell like crazy on the Day Break in game store!!

    Would be the coolest home in eq2, cool hidden areas and walls to climb up and the ability to decorate in there you could change the place into a hidden pirate cave and put like the Mistmoore Craigs Estate portal inside to make decorate the whole Mistmoore Castle!!

    Post your thoughts here maybe if enough like it and post those nice devs would consider it in the future :D

    2) A Shadow Oak Player home with some room outside the oak tree home to walk around Shadow Oak from Dark Light woods would make a perfect small nice player house !!!!

    3) A nice High Hold Keep Castle player home, complete with outside areas, the walk ways inside the walls and yard outside and the inside area any player would s=buy more day break cash to be able to own .

    4) The ability to change a Prestige player home from Day Break store into a Guild Hall would be a wonderful addition to any expansion or game update :cool: I am certain that players would be very happy to make a player house into a guild hall by having the ability to place Guild hall NPC's and Depots into a normal house and would make guilds who like to have a guild Theme be more fun to play and have a personal and Fun improvement on the EQ2 game.

    5) Imagine a Mistmoore Inner Sanctum Guild Hall for your guild because your guild completed a number of guild achivments and unlocked the ability!!! How many players would come back to EQ2 simply for the fun of having a cool guild hall and ability to decorate one of there favorite old raid zones and be able to use it as a guild hall !! Messages in general chat asking players to join there guild and they have a raid zone changed into a guild hall !!! people would log back into the game I am shure and day break would do good. Me trying to help you can find me on Antonica Bayle in my Freeport guild Hall Tier 1 with my nice Fairy and Elf theme guild and my Tree guild Cloak :p

    Myself I am surprised that sony or day break did not do make Shadow Oak a player home as it is simply a perfect easy to decorate nice small home and would be a simple choice for any EQ2 player to buy. Easy to copy and easy to create and easy to sell and everyone would love it, a Druids Dream Home :p

    Post back what you guys think and hopefully we can get the nice Game Developers to consider the idea and also im shure it would help day break some as they would sell some new homes in game and make some money selling game cards :D

    I would pay for a Mistmoore Catacombs Player home maybe one day I can hope!!

    100 Assassin 100 Alchemist Mortal Champion Anran Arnar < Arania > of Ferrans Hope Antonica Bayle server
    Prissetta and Merriel like this.
  2. Merriel Well-Known Member

    $50 real cash for a guild hall? I think I'd pass, lol. Ludicrous to think any single virtual item is worth that amount of cash. I won't even spend $15-20 on a mount when I already have tons of mounts and can only ride one at a time. Other than the amount of cash you suggested, the idea is a good one, though. :D
    Prissetta likes this.
  3. Aran Anar Active Member

    Ok me edit that part :D
  4. Febrith Well-Known Member

    Plus 1 to the Shadowed Oak for a home - I've often thought how lovely that place is - 'course decorating round walls is a total pita but this place would be worth it!
    Merriel and Prissetta like this.
  5. Aivet Well-Known Member

    Shadow oak would definitely make a nice home. However (and I bet a few of you know what I'm about to say here)...Isle of Mara prestige house first! :D
  6. Ocarinah Well-Known Member

    Shadow Oak is already on the Homeshow Prestige House Wish List and there was a poll last year by Daybreak and the High Hold Castle house was on the list and won. Mara Island was on the Homeshow Prestige House Wish List for a house or guild hall as well. You should add the Mistmoore Catacombs house to the list here is the link. In producer's letter it says

    "Also, in early June, we will release a new option for your guilds to purchase a guild hall from a selection on our marketplace using a new item we’re calling Guild Tickets. With this system, every member in a guild will be able to contribute to purchasing these new guild halls. To kick off this new feature, we are releasing two NEW guild halls for purchase: Skyshrine Capital Guild Hall and the Highhold Guild Hall. Keep an eye out for a post from Kander on the details of this new option for guilds!"

    So I am not sure if we then wouldn't be getting the Highhold Castle as a house too. I think this means you can expect more guild halls than the Skyshrine and Highhold one sometime in the future. Will be very interesting to see the details on these new guild halls. People have been asking for ability to turn prestige houses into guild halls for a very very long time. Maybe if these new guild halls are successful they will add the prestige house converted into guild hall to game as well.
    Merriel, Prissetta and Sejreia like this.