Best Healer Merc.

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Furex, Feb 2, 2015.

  1. Furex New Member

    Witch one?
  2. Charlice Well-Known Member

    Word. Kenny.
  3. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    I'm reasonably sure that none of the mercs (healer or otherwise) practices witchcraft. ;)

    If, however, you meant which one, then as Charlice mentioned, Kenny is touted as being one of the best, if not the best. I think that a lot of it depends upon a person's play style. If someone is really aggressive, then they'll need a healer merc that complements that style. Likewise, if someone is very methodical, they will need an entirely different healer merc. When I'm playing my main, a Necro (who sometimes acts as if he thinks he is the tank), I'm more aggressive than I am while playing a class with which I am much less proficient. As such, my merc requirements are different with each. Rotherian, my main, currently uses Raffik - which is fine, because Raf doesn't yank aggro from me near as much as the others. Some of my other toons have various CE mercs. (A general rule of thumb that I use is that my healer mercs must have an equal or greater armor type compared to the toon with it - so one of my cloth wearing toons could have any healer merc, but a plate wearing toon would have a plate healer merc.

    Hope that helps.
  4. Rainmare Well-Known Member

    so far the AoM dropped Inq merc is a right nasty bugger. and loves his Verdict
  5. Ratza Well-Known Member my new inquisiter merc.
  6. Charlice Well-Known Member

    Hmm might have to try him then.

    OP it largely depends what level you are too. The only one I found to be total rubbish at any level was the Warden (I think from GF?) As long as the merc cures, I consider them good enough.