Berserker - 2-hander or DW?

Discussion in 'General Fighter Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-erinn, Jan 10, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-erinn Guest

    Ok, gonna try this here since the Berserker forum seems to be pretty dead...
    Left the game for a while, and came back a couple months ago. Rolled up a Berserker, and have gotten to level 50 so far. I mostly duo with a Fury, and have been using Mastercrafted 2-handers (occassionally a shield/1-hander on tougher content).
    Should I be dual-weilding instead of using a 2-hander? I've searched and searched and it seems like it keeps changing from update to update. What's the current best strategy? Should I swap my 2-handed 6-sec Claymore for a pair of 4-second Mastercrafted 1-handers?
  2. ARCHIVED-Controlor Guest

    duel weilding hands down. Specially with the upcoming changes to procs off duel weild. Any class that can duel weild for dps SHOULD be duel weilding. 2 handers are there for crusaders cause they CANT duel weild.
  3. ARCHIVED-Harowen Guest

    Brawler wielding 2h deals more damage than a brawler dual wielding, assuming the items are otherwise comparable. Plate tanks have better itemization for weapons than brawlers do. Not only are there several 1h weapons from hard mode encounters, but there's also the 4rt 2h swords. I know several berserkers who reported significantly higher damage wielding a 2h weapon instead of dual wielding when fighting large groups of mobs. If you're gonna dual wield, use two 6s 1h weps.
  4. ARCHIVED-erinn Guest

    Two replies, two completely different answers!
    I guess I'll stick with the 2-hander for now, as that only requires one rare every tier for Mastercrafted.
  5. ARCHIVED-Controlor Guest

    If you are still leveling up then def go duel weild. The 2 hander's at lower tiers BLOW and will not out dmg duel weild. Harowen was only talking about 2 handers from HM content. ATM at lvl 90 there are only 3 decent 2 handers. 1-- 4 rune theer (need to be in a high ranked ranid guild to get). 2 -- Velcaz 2 hander (need to be decently high ranked to get as its a boss in UD and most casual raids arnt doing UD). 3 -- Sublime 2 hander (this is 155 seals off guy in paineel, again need to raid but you can get if your in casual). They are ranked pretty much in that order 4 rune the best sublime the least. Other than that no other 2 hander is really adaquite (Yuri from the X2 might be CLOSE but still not good enough). Versus 1 handers. In this game there are a LOT of 1 handers that have high damage rating in raids. IF you are NOT raiding then then duel weild should be higher with the MC stuff vs the 2 hander crafted MC. Again the next expac in like 3 weeks will be changing how procs work on the off hand as well as increasing the multi attack to include tripple attack. Once that happens you should see a significant jump in duel weilding dps vs 2 hander dps. It will not grow proportionally.
  6. ARCHIVED-yzyh Guest

    2h till you get your epic then you'll prefer dual weilding.

    IF your soloing sword and board and spec STA line. It is just bether DPS until you get your epic.

    Reversal damage is just insane while soloing bether then if you'd went for 2h or DW. Again until you get your epic.