Beastlord - No Weaknesses in Lower Zones

Discussion in 'Lore and Legend Discussion' started by dj000, Feb 23, 2022.

  1. dj000 Member

    Greater Faydark - no Weakness triggers using any warder.
    Go to Great Divide - all good!
    Back to Greater Faydark - no Weakness triggers.
    Bug report sent.
    Is this just me? If so, I'll keep trying to figure it out.
  2. Zenji Well-Known Member

    Not just you, was an issue on Beta as well. Seems you don't get procs at low levels.
  3. Taled Well-Known Member

    It's not a bug - They aren't a mechanic at that level.
    Jaden likes this.
  4. dj000 Member

    Since we are max level, that shouldn't be happening? Theoretically, my abilities shouldn't change every time I zone into a different area.
  5. Zenji Well-Known Member

    Could you give another example of any other classes abilities not working at all when mentored to low levels?
  6. Taled Well-Known Member

    Weaknesses aren't *your* abilities - They're triggered by the pet, which doesn't have the ability to cast them at the lower levels. Whether or not that *should* be the case is debatable, but it's not a bug that a pet doesn't cast an ability it doesn't have at that level.

    Not off the top of my head, because I don't play all 26 classes. I would assume that Channelers are the only other class that run in to the issue, because they're the only other class that has pet-specific abilities that are granted by level.

    (Edit: )

    That said, if you wanted any chance of this really being looked at as a bug, you should post it in the bug report forum and not the server forum. I don't think you'll get a different response, but maybe the devs will take your feedback as a suggestion and change the way weaknesses work so that when mentored the pets can use them.
  7. Taled Well-Known Member

    On a side note - The 'Unchained Ferocity' AA in the Heroic tree will still allow you to trigger weaknesses and use advantages/primals while mentored to level 5.

    I tested by chronomentoring to level 5 on live just to check it.
  8. dj000 Member

    I already submitted a bug report in game. Here I just wanted to make sure I wasn't doing something wrong that I could fix. I just will stay away from those zones if needed.
  9. MightyMeaghan Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I don't think it's a bug, I think it's just a byproduct of how beastlord pet mechanics work. Since beastlords don't get advantages until level 18, level 1-17 pets simply wouldn't trigger them.

    The Unchained Ferocity AA will allow you to use advantages without a pet trigger.
    Taled likes this.