Beastlord Epic Part 2

Discussion in 'Scouts' started by AiretDawn, Apr 7, 2014.

  1. AiretDawn New Member

    Quick question, did I read it right that the Beastlord doesn't have to do epic repercussion as it has it already tied in to the quest as a reward?
  2. Jrel Well-Known Member

  3. Verraten Member

    Sure, let's just make a list of which mythicals they've made easier since the stats are outda- oh, wait.
  4. Lygerr Active Member

    we could only wish that we could do epic reprecussions, the level 90 mythical is worthless and the epic is about 100 times more work than epic repercussions is now for the original 24 classes.

    for the effort you would be better served to run more ToV zones and get better gear, the beastlord epic buff is a pittance in retrospect and also apparently is getting no feedback from the devs.

    IMO the beastlord should be added to the ER timeline since the rewards are of no real significance any longer. before ToV it was worthy of being separate, no longer is that true. my dirge picked up more DPS from doing his epic in 2 hours than my beastlord did in about 50 hours of work.
  5. Idaho Iksar Active Member

    Am a bit miffed at the developers concerning our mythical. As much trouble as one has to go through, once obtaining the mythical there is no server-wide announcement that the Beastlord acquired their mythical weapons. Was no server-wide announcement on the heroic version either, not that there should be - but the mythical there should have been.

    Took me over 2 years to finally get the mythical update done, with LOTS of help. Was a relief and a long-term ambition. So I petitioned and asked why our class, the only class, does not get a server-wide announcement:
    If any of the normal classes do their old school mythical updates before their Epic Repercussions quest they get a server-wide announcement. Channelers get a server-wide announcement on their mythical update too. Why not Beastlord??
    One cannot just simply walk into ToRZ Foundations of Stone (Challenge) and get it done. Took a 12 boxed raid + a group to get two beastlords their mythical updates on the Freeport server just last weekend.

    Are the developers going to say the two-item mythical claws is unfair to other classes, or that they cannot (or forgot) how to code in a server-wide announcement for two items on one post??

    For all that effort it would of been good to been recognized and have the beastlord get their 5 minutes of fame, but noooo ... once again we are tossed on the 'forgetaboutit' list.

    The claws should of also be auto-updated to level 95 content. Maybe if Epic 2.0 rolls in the mythical claws will have some benefit. Hard to say with the class of developers we have now. It is quite obvious there is no love for the Beastlord, cept those of us who enjoy the class; having no raid buff/ability past the group really put our favored class on the back-burner on raids..