Beastlord epic only for raiders apparently

Discussion in 'Beastlord' started by ARCHIVED-IvyBlackrose, Jan 8, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-IvyBlackrose Guest

    im in rygorr/thurgadin and 90/320 and ive tried about 10 different builds defensive/offensive and im getting owned like a flippin rag doll on a wet dream by viax, the fight is lasting all of about 3 seconds put my pet on his pet and i kite him around or try to go toe to toe with him or try taking out his pet first either way it doesnt matter i only do about 2% damage to him before the fight is over id rather see the claws NERFED and him nerfed so that at elast then casuals can get the things
  2. ARCHIVED-Dgorgon Guest

    You can use google or eq2flame to find strats.
    Lots of ppl with 200ish aa and rygorr/thug gear have killed him.

    BTW: I got pwned also, but I read.

    hint: defensive, kite, heal, power regen
  3. ARCHIVED-eidand Guest

    IvyBlackrose wrote:
    Awesome, so because you cannot kill him, you'd rather have the quest and weapons nerfed so that you can then finally do it yourself.
    Awesome attitude, how about you spend more time in game learning it and less time talking on the forums. It will save you an embarrasment.
  4. ARCHIVED-IvyBlackrose Guest

    embarrassment about what? cause im getting my owned hard by two what 97 heroics when im lvl 90? im not embarrassed by that thank you
  5. ARCHIVED-getta Guest

    Here is something that may help you with this issue you are having.

    1. I had 172 aa and was 90 with Thurg armor not even Rygorr.
    2. GM your pet and put him in healing spec.
    3. I was told to do the Tribunal Diety and get the miracles.
    4. Get the healer White Adorns for the weapons you have.
    5. Stand in the cave between the place he spawns and the little village and pull him to the village and run circles around the first hut.
    6. From here it is all you. What I did was kited him until all my Primals were active and my savagery meter was at 5/6 then ran in and dropped them all on him. Then I started my kite again. Rinse and repeat and hope that your pet don't die.

    This was a hard fight but doable. You should be more than able to do this.
  6. ARCHIVED-Pattywak Guest

    IvyBlackrose wrote:
    What kind of gear are you using?
    It was explained in the webcasts before AoD launched that this quest would be a challenge and you were going to have to know the class very well to complete it. BLs are NOT an easy class to play well, you have to know when to hit certain advantages, when the best time to use your primals, etc.
    If you follow the guide of flames, you should have no issues with 320 AAs, expert spells, and half way decent gear. Both me and my g/f did this fight kiting without changing our AAs from the soloing specs we had with less than 300 AAs (I did have a few pieces of raid gear but she did not).
  7. ARCHIVED-eidand Guest

    IvyBlackrose wrote:
    Well, bottom line here is clear. If you cannot kill that boss then you shouldn't have the fabled weapons.
    It's as simple as that.
    I am almost at that stage and looking forward to it. There's no need for a nerf.
    I have a guildmate who finished it a few days ago and he had zero raid gear.
  8. ARCHIVED-Jaylo Guest

    The Beastlord epic should be able to be completed by any 90/320 Beastlord who's in heroic DoV gear. You don't mention the rest of your gear, but a mix of Ry'gorr and Thurgadin armor certainly doesn't represent the best of what's available without raiding.
    I suspect if you spec your AAs right, you could defeat Viax.
  9. ARCHIVED-IvyBlackrose Guest

    heh, sorry guys my apologies apparently the fight is extremely balanced for raiders and non raiders alike I upgraded a couple pieces of gear (non raid btw) and one shotted him with ease, so my apologies for thinking it was too tough :p learn from my mistake and make sure your geared :p
  10. ARCHIVED-Lempo Guest

    If at first you don't succeed... whine and snivle a little on the forums meet some rersitance and get some advice then make a snide post in return.
    Obv the class and fight are either more than you can handle or you simply have no desire to pull it till you beat it.
  11. ARCHIVED-eidand Guest

    IvyBlackrose wrote:
    You're missing the point. The fight is fine difficulty wise. You either use your head and learn to beat it or forget about it and move on. Nothing is saying you should receive something you're not deserving.
    The thing you don't seem to understand is that gear alone will not win the fight for you. You still need to learn the class and use it properly in order to win.
    Bottom line, stop whining and learn to play ( ask for advice, do some research ) or get lost - you're not earning yourself any sympathy.
  12. ARCHIVED-clairebear Guest

    Had my first proper go at the final named last night. First couple of pulls only got it down to 95% and I just didn't understand how it could be done, but I didn't give up. I had a mix of thurg and rygor with othmir chest. I respecd aas to fully defensive. I used my piggie warder specced for heals and sent him to viax's pet and left him on it. I pulled viax with an arrow and kited him in circles that meant I kept passing my piggie so I would get his heals. I spammed my ward advantage and used ranged CAs to get my savagery up to 6, then stopped by piggie and let rip primals composed of power and heals, then ran again. By about fourth pull I got him down. I then just let piggie slowly finish off his pet out of paranoia more than anything of losing the fight at this stage, but piggie could more than handle his pet alone.

    Couple of times I got him down to 50% but piggie stopped doing advantages as frequently which had a big impact on me. Fight probably took 20mins or more, and I had hand cramp by the end and practically the sweats lol but it worked.

    It feels incredibly satisfying to have gotten him down and got my claws, so I hope they won't listen to calls to nerf him. You just need to really try everything you can and keep at it, not just give up and winge for a nerf that would undermine everything the rest of us have done...
  13. ARCHIVED-Jumah Guest

    Skyefall@Splitpaw wrote:
    Okay, so I want to lead off here by saying I consider myself to be a very casual, if obsessive player. I don't do but the occasional x2 raid with my guild, and we have not yet done anything beyond Tower of Frozen Shadow x2. We do all manner of instances in Great Divide and Eastern Wastes, and I have a couple nice pieces from those various places. My gear is all crafted Ry'Gorr, except for shoulders and chest which are top tier Public Quest fare.
    I have around 245 AA, specced to the 'raiding/grouping' spec that someone linked on this forum a little while back, so it is mostly focused on DPS/offense, and I have never been particularly concerned about min/maxing and tweaking adornments. However, I am OCD about completing quests and checking boxes when they appear somewhere on my character, so once I started the Beastlord epic, I was absolutely compelled to complete it.
    That said, my first few pulls on Viax were an utter disaster and left me feeling the fight was, as mentioned previously, utterly out of reach for my character. I pulled him 5 times, trying various permutations of my warder and I against him and his warder, ranged, kiting, two on one, two on two, etc. My best effort was about 90 seconds long, in which I got him down about 2-3%. So, I logged out and started doing some reading on AA specs, adornments, gear, and tactics. The next day I chatted with some of my guildies who do much more advanced raiding/grouping than I do and they gave me some advice on a few points.
    Also, I realized that, after performing the ritual to get into teh solo instance, the quest consumed the rather incredible pieces of gear that had been granted as rewards for doing the sub-quests up to that point. So, when I fought Viax the first time, I was not wearing a cloak, necklace, or belt item. I still had them in inventory, as I suspected the others would be taken back, but in my excitement to get the quest done, I didn't check my equipment between the zone-in and the fight.
    So, day two. I put my three pieces of gear back on, bought my last two yellow Crit Mit adorns and got them in place, then filled in all of my white adorn slots. I put Multi-Attack everywhere I could, except on my ranged, which I had a superior mending adorn in. Everything else was a mix of Crit Chance, Potency, Ability Mod, and Health, in that order of priority. I then went out and threw myself at the feet of the Tribunal, installed their shrine in my home and picked up the Scales of Justice Blessing.
    At that point, I headed back to meet Viax again, expecting that I would die once more and have to respec my AA's into purely defensive fare. First pull, I put up Scales of Justice, sicked my GrandMaster feline on Firebrand and jumped in toe-to-toe with Viax, alternating heal/ward/power advantages as they came up and watching my warder's health. She fared pretty well though, and I only had to heal her once the entire time. Viax was still pretty punishing, but with my Crit Mit up higher he never hit me for 20-40% at a time like he did the first round. It was a long and tense fight, but in teh end I got him, and I never dropped below 50% health.
    All things considered, I think this was a great quest line, with tones of interesting lore and interactions (aside from a host of grammatical and spelling errors in teh text). It used the world to its advantage and seemed very appropriate to the class. The rewards are awesome, and likely the best gear my Beastlord will ever see, so I am glad to have been able to pull it off.
    To those having difficulty, I say it is entirely doable. Just stick with it and try different things until you pull through.
    In the end, my approximate stats were in the following neighborhood (not near my PC so I can't get exact figures for you):
    HP: 31k
    Power: 27k
    Agility: 1800
    Crit Mit: 145
    Crit Chance: 180ish
    Multi-Attack: 190ish
  14. ARCHIVED-Trinral Guest

    Jumah wrote:

    Great posts by yourself and Skyefall, illustrating that people complaining this quest line is too hard, simply need to learn to play.
  15. ARCHIVED-GussJr Guest

    Avirodar@Oasis wrote:
    Agreed...not many people want to work for anything any more...
  16. ARCHIVED-Jumah Guest

    Made a few spelling/gramatical errors of my own there... *sighs*...

    Anyway. Awesome quest, loved the challange of it, and I thank those here that helped out with the little bits. :)
  17. ARCHIVED-Lempo Guest

    Avirodar@Oasis wrote:
    Indeed. Congrats on your epic, you truly earned it and I hope that SOE sees this and stands fast in not nerfing this fight.
    I rolled a BL Sunday leveled him to 32,now i'm locked for a bit grinding AA and leveling warders. In only one day of play, actually a manner of hours I realized that the savagery would be the key to killing that final mob. There is a big problem with people that must have instant gratification or they become bored and quit or cry foul until someone makes it easier (dumbs it down to their level).
    Good job you 2.
  18. ARCHIVED-kahonen Guest

    I've just completed it after having huge problems.
    I'm in full Thurgaddin Armour, 190 AAs and used a level 5 mystic pet in Spiritual stance.
    First time I tried I was convinced I was never going to see the reward, then I went and checked the forums on EQ2Flames.
    If you take Tribunal as your deity, the end blessing converts 20% of incoming damage to heals for 10 minutes and the end miracle lets you do 50% of your health as damage in a single attack. These 2 made a huge difference to me. I also respecced my AAs to get as much health and heals as I could.
    I tried again, cast the tribunal blessing on the pull, fought him toe-to-toe and got him to 23% when I ran out of power. Made some power roots (using carniverous plant) and went back and killed him. On this last attempt I never went below 40% health. At the end of the fight, his pet had 4% health left so that was very easy.
    Trust me, you don't need raid gear or maxed out AAs. The problem isn't killing him, it's staying alive long enough to kill him. Don't let anyone tell you it's an easy fight, it isn't but why would it be when you consider the rewards - what other quest gives you 2 fabled weapons, a fabled cloak and neck piece AND a mythical buff? Of course it's hard. Just keep trying.
    Finishing this is the first really satisfying thing I've done in EQ2 for some considerable time.
  19. ARCHIVED-Lempo Guest

    kahonen wrote:
    One more testimony as to why this needs to be left as is.
    Some people already knew others are discovering that the only thing that is preventing anyone from getting this completed is the sheer lack of desire, nothing more nothing less.
    I didn't want to roll a BL until some of the questline bugs were fixed, this thread made me rethink that I hope I have enough time to get it done before they cave in to the players that feel entitled to the weapon because they have reached level 90 and can't seem to do it.
    oh yeah, grats Kahonen
    *let's keep the insults out of here please*
  20. ARCHIVED-eidand Guest

    good job to everyone who defeated him