Battlegrounds Exploit

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Brenlo, Mar 9, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Aenashi Guest

  2. ARCHIVED-Wingrider01 Guest

    Chock@Unrest wrote:
    Would be willing to bet if someone truely violated your license agreement (aka EULA) your corporation legal department would be the first in line for the gravy train. Other then that, lets live in the real world and not go down the rabbit hole
  3. ARCHIVED-MyopicDuck Guest

    this game couldnt afford to ban all of those people. just from people i know on blackburrow that got banned, sony is losing a crap ton of money every month now. what a horrible job of punishing well paying customers with multiple accounts.
  4. ARCHIVED-Chock Guest

    Wingrider01 wrote:
    You want to know whats really funny about your comment? I am in that department! I am in software forensics; I hunt down those violators and decide what to do with them and revise policy (EULA, policy relaxation, etc) as necessary. I think corporal punishment in 3rd world countries would send a very strong message to those cheaters! I think I can get India and China on board. Losing a hand or a couple fingers for EULA voilation or software infringement is totally fair!
  5. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    MyopicDuck wrote:
    EQ2 basically prints money. Losing a couple thousand (if its even that many) accounts will hardly be noticeable to their bottom line.
    Lets say EQ2 has 50k subs:
    48k didn't exploit = 719,520 a month from subscription revenue
    2k did exploit and won't come back = 29,980 a month lost from subscription revenue.
    It hardly even matters to them. Especially if those 48k that didn't exploit are routinely sinking money into SC and LoN, then the line blurs even more.
  6. ARCHIVED-MyopicDuck Guest

    It's still ridiculous. Why not just rollback and give them a suspension?
  7. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    MyopicDuck wrote:
    What does that do to deter future exploiting?
    Lets say in the US bank robbery was punished like so:
    If you rob a bank and get caught the authorities will put you in jail for a week, take away all the money you stole, and that's that. So a week later you get out of jail with nothing lost other than 7 days of your life.
    Would that deter robbing banks? NO. It'd be way worth risking a 7 day stint in jail just in case you got away with it.
    Suspensions and rollbacks are the same. People don't care. Rolling people back to where they were and suspending them for a week or two is nothing. People would risk that everytime an exploit popped up because the reward greatly outweighs the risk.
    Who is knowingly going to risk every item they have on their character and all of their plat just to dupe a few items or a few plat? Hardly anyone.
    This punishment is all about deterring future use of exploits and giving players a point of reference on just what they'd be risking.
  8. ARCHIVED-MyopicDuck Guest

    everybody wants to make analogies... this is a game
  9. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    A game with rules everyone agrees to abide by every time they sign in.
    Also if its just a game, and it doesn't matter, I doubt anyone stripped or banned cares, afterall its "just a game".
  10. ARCHIVED-Gungo Guest

    MyopicDuck wrote:
    Exactly and the fact they only lost gear without a rollback, the fact it was only a suspension and not a ban is pretty lenient imho.
    Honestly anyone who cares can go from nogear to raidready in a few hours.
    If i lost my gear. I would move a bunch of shard tokens from my alt to my main requip into t2 shard armour. Do WOE once and get at least 5 peices of t3 do to smart loot and then start raiding again. It would take at most an hour to start raiding. If there were items i wanted i could go back and get them from green raids, but honestly everything will be replaced in SF.
    In reality this was an EASY out for alot of people. The onyl reason we see so much crying on the forums is because people actually got a punishment that is something more then a superficial rollback and suspension.
  11. ARCHIVED-Wingrider01 Guest

    MyopicDuck wrote:
    It is a game
    It has rules
    Break them and pay
    Just like life......
  12. ARCHIVED-Wingrider01 Guest

    Chock@Unrest wrote:
    You are correct, I do find those statements quite amusing given the context of them and how they are put forth. Have fun in your job....
  13. ARCHIVED-Gungo Guest

    Wingrider01 wrote:
    I can litterally loose my job and pay $10,000 fine and up to 5 years imprisonment for misusing my software. More then likely on a first time minor offense I would only get 30 days without pay.
    O wait your in game toon lost a couple of items because you exploited. No way, lets call your lawyer!!!
  14. ARCHIVED-Casombra Guest

    <--- at the idiots defending the cheaters.
  15. ARCHIVED-Captain Apple Darkberry Guest

    roflwaffles at the ones trying to argue just what happens to cheaters...
    "I only transmuted a full bag of stuff officer!"
    Really? They "tested" it on a FULL bag of stuff...?
  16. ARCHIVED-Aidn0816 Guest

    All i can say is i know a few people who went into BG and added a collectible while they were there and saw it was still there when they were done. they tried it again, and a third time, to see if it was a glitch in the game then they reported it to SOE. SOE had their accounts suspended and all of their stuff deleted. Can anyone say to my face right now that this makes sence?
  17. ARCHIVED-Dreyco Guest

    The Psychological Theory of Cognitive Dissonance:
    A state of dissonance (mental conflict) brought upon when faced with beliefs that don't match your own, and the tendency to resolve this dissonance in one of three ways.

    1. Change one's Beliefs or Behavior
      1. "It was bad that I exploited. I won't do it again."
    2. Change one's cognitions.
      1. The fact that it was still in testing means that it's okay to exploit like this. I'm not in the wrong! Sony is!
    3. Add new cognitions.
      1. I don't generally exploit... and i'm going to use it to help other people! So it's alright that I do this!
    Obviously number one isn't happening.
  18. ARCHIVED-Dethdlr Guest

    Ilikecows@Nagafen wrote:
    Yes. I can say it to your face that this makes sense. Ask yourself this question. Why didn't they add the collection items when they got them? You can really say with a straight face that someone who tries an exploit 3 times doesn't deserve what they got? That's like claiming they experimented with drugs in college like they had a lab coat on.
  19. ARCHIVED-Wingrider01 Guest

    Gungo wrote:
    Your company is lenient,the rules here are immediate termination, there is no such thing as a minor infraction here.
  20. ARCHIVED-MrWolfie Guest

    Ilikecows@Nagafen wrote:
    OK. For argument's sake, let's assume that I discovered this bug, that I did it a couple of times to make sure that what I was seeing was actually happening and that I then /bugged it and reported my findings.
    Now, after many other people exploited the heck out of it, SOE ban, strip and suspend people. It turns out that I get lumped in with the exploiters. Do I come and whine here or do I get in touch with CS and explain that if they look at their logs they'll see I only did it a couple of times (in the spirit of testing) and that I reported it and that after reporting it I didn't do it again.
    If this was the TRUTH, I'd expect that my account would be reinstated. But bleating in this thread will serve no purpose but to alienate me further from the rest of the players who already think that I am an exploiter. In that situation, to achieve resolution, what I'd need to be is a patient and understanding customer with a problem, not a whiny little girl. (Apologies to little girls everywhere).
    However, if I am a liar (as well as a cheat), if I exploited the situation and didn't really /bug it, then I am out of luck and no amount of complaining here will change anyone's mind, nor change the fact that I am a lying, greedy cheater who really deserved to get banned completely.