Battlegrounds and DB Issues

Discussion in 'Battlegrounds' started by ARCHIVED-Rothgar, Mar 20, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Valanthe Guest

    Rothgar wrote:
    Is there a certain title that we need to put in our petition? I filed my petition over 24 hours ago for missing items and I haven't gotten a response back yet.
  2. ARCHIVED-Hamervelder Guest

    Monkeymezza@Runnyeye wrote:
    Ask, and ye shall receive.
    5:02PM SYSTEM MESSAGE: Greetings Norrath. Until further notice, the battlegrounds are being locked for maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience, and hope to have you back in there soon.
    That just came across in-game a few minutes ago. :)
  3. ARCHIVED-Eggwardo Guest

    Thundy wrote:
    Bumb! /agree
  4. ARCHIVED-Ambeco Guest

    Jusztin wrote:
    This is a great idea here^^^ would also prolly cut down on the lag and DB issues because the DB would not have to constantly copy characters to another server and back but rather do it once and then they just zone within the same server.
    I second we make a Battlegrounds Common Area!
  5. ARCHIVED-FrellingTralk Guest

    lollipop wrote:
    For those of us who can't choose the group we get, the only reason I keep plugging along is because I get one token even if we loose. Take that away and I won't be going into BG much unless I can choose the group I get hooked up with.
  6. ARCHIVED-ScubaEtte Guest

    BG (Broken Game) has striked again.
    heres a few ideas for ya soe...
    1. Delete BG's
    2. Fix all Game Bugs
    3. Never open BG's again
  7. ARCHIVED-MCS-Apophis Guest

    Only problem is that it took SoE 3 years to fix some bugs at this point deleting BG's would be a good start. Giving everyone 1 month free play time since we have all had to deal with the bugs that were included in the xpac would be another good start.
    Everyday it seems I log in and find out that something is either broken or they fixed one bug and it resulted in created 2 additional ones.
    I like how SoE ninja fixes certain items and then never posts that they fixed / change it, that crap is getting old. Where is the "better communication from the developers" that SoE promised at FanFaire?
  8. ARCHIVED-Cabel Guest

    Jusztin wrote:
    I like this idea. Plus it will give this game a place where people could congregate with their fellow players much like how Commanlands and The Bazaar was in EQ1.
  9. ARCHIVED-thecynic315 Guest

    Is Battle Grounds what is wrong with the 15min period between 0100 UTC and 0115 UTC EVER DANG NIGHT?!?

    It seems like everynight a switch gets fliped and zoning gets FUBAR then the switch gets fliped the other way 15min later and zoning goes from FUBAR to just sucky.

    Just CLOSE down battle grounds its creatting more bugs/CS problems/exploits/DB issues then you guys can deal with
  10. ARCHIVED-Drummle09 Guest

    I currently am waiting to hear back from my petition sent early saturday morning, if there is a quicker way to get ahold of someone who can reimburst the gear that was lost due to battle grounds that would be ideal. After raiding Saturday evening and relogging i logged back into the game only to find my character rerolled back to that previous evening (friday). Any response would be appreciated, i don't enjoy raiding and looting items as a raid leader only for those items to be taken away because i simply logged out of the game? Please fix the issues and respond to the petition.
  11. ARCHIVED-Bremer Guest

    A complete noob question from somebody with no clue about server performance and everything:
    If the problem is that data amount, why don't you reduce it? Eg, why can I see my journal or my open collections? My non-battlegound achievments? Wouldn't it help, if you stripped the character from this data while on battlegounrds?
  12. ARCHIVED-Davngr1 Guest

    take down BG?

    tbh take down live servers. queing up on BG lets me have group fun almost constantly as opposed to being lfg for hours on live.

    it's really time that some hardware upgrades were made, if the $$ isn't there maybe explore some "primium" fees that would pay for them and give those who choose to pay extra better performance? if that's possible of course.
  13. ARCHIVED-FrellingTralk Guest

    Just when I begin to get the feel for healing in BG, you take it down.
    Please, please get it back up soon! I was having more fun than I've had in a long, long time.
    I almost enjoy it more than raiding - and I really enjoy raiding!

  14. ARCHIVED-Rothgar Guest

    Bremer wrote:
    The issue isn't really that type of character data, it's more the large amount of inventory. EQII has more inventory slots available to a charater than any other MMO I've ever seen. Combine that with your bank, house vault, guild bank, harvest depot and shared bank and its just an immense amount of data. Much of this inventory does not need to go back and forth with you, like your bank and house vault, and that's what we are working on fixing now. Unfortunately even just your inventory slots represent a large amount of data and that stuff does need to go for us to have the flexibility to give quests that use/consume items, reward items, etc.
    We have several changes we're working on to improve performance across the board as well as reduce the data that moves between worlds. We also have more DB upgrades on the way for servers that haven't gotten them yet.
    As you probably know, we've disabled battlegrounds for now but will most likely turn them back on during off-peak hours. When they cause issues, we can disable them again until we have some of these fixes in place.
  15. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    Rothgar wrote:
    I have no idea why you guys think BGs are worth all this hassle. They've been wrecking havoc on this game since the expansion launched in so many different ways.
    Turning them off and on until you guys can get DB upgrades and hardware in place? I mean seriously?
    I'm sorry Rothgar, no offense to you, it just seems like this entire BG fiasco has been handled extremely unprofessionally.
  16. ARCHIVED-Graves85 Guest

    Gaige wrote:
    Why are they worth the hassle? BG are so popular the servers are getting dominated with people wanting to play on them.
  17. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    Kaita@Nagafen wrote:
    I'm talking about longterm. Of course they're popular now, they award almost raid quality gear for next to no effort. There are only a handful of items available to non-raiders that are better than BG gear. BG gear is some of the best gear for heroic instances since crit mit is meaningless in them.
    You can que up solo, suck and fail and still end up with tokens for gear. Go figure players are using them to gear out in lvl 90 gear.
    I just don't foresee BGs being popular enough in the long term for all the craziness they've been causing the past month.
  18. ARCHIVED-Blazenhawk Guest

    Between Battlegrounds (BGs) zone ins, I crafted, sold some old fable items for about 9 plat, did a faction quest.... and got a ton load of BGs relic rewards.... Log on the next day to see all of this had been rolled back. I was just little peev'ed... Wondered at first if SoE thought I'd exploited something some how (I couldn't exploit may way out of wet paper bag!)... But 2 days later, finally got a response, they reversed the more important things: XP and BG relics. The GM only mention that this was a very unfortunate error.
    First, BGs for the most part is great, I enjoy getting my butt handed to me, some mages even gift wrap it for me. A few of the PvP gear are very respectable compared to PvE raid gear, worth getting even if its only temporary. And the chance at playing with old friends from other servers is neat. I even met an old rival, where we enjoyed bashing each other throughout Smugglers Den (he is such a newb). BGs ftw!! Not to mention you get a bit of XP, unless your unfortunate enough to die at zone out. Others who are complaining here missed the mark. Don't play if you don't like.
    So, SoE needs to figure out these server problems good and good, missing XP and items is a downer and if you don't drink your coffee and see these ill-gotten effects on your toon someone is liable to get a coronary! Wonder if that said poor soul has a suit? Seriously though, wonder about the condition of the server equipment at SoE. I imagine its top-notch. I know a lot of companies are spending way less in these times, could Sony be cutting corners? Could the poor Techs be over worked? So many ambitions, so little time... Dont forget, we pay for this game/hobby. I hope Sony opens up they're wallets a bit, forget about those damn share holders for once! And gives us long time EQ2 players a lag free zones! Make all the codes error free of bugs, believe in the dream!!!

    Sorry I was dreaming..... /sigh
  19. ARCHIVED-Dreyco Guest

    Rothgar wrote:
    Why not consider having a "Battlegrounds Inventory" that people can then manage? Items that are in that particular inventory "Bag" will transfer to battlegrounds. Make it enough slots to carry a second set of gear, potions, poisons, and clickables. Maybe twenty slots? Twenty five slots?
    This will reduce that kind of data transfer considerably, right?
  20. ARCHIVED-Josgar Guest

    Rothgar wrote:
    Instead of moving our characters to the battlegrounds server, why not have it copy only part of the character?