Balance of Theer in-balance

Discussion in 'PvP & Battlegrounds' started by Gelenor, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. Gelenor Well-Known Member

    Increasingly finding myself entering BoTheer BG and there are only players on one side.. no one to fight. as many as 3 on one side for example and no on on the other when the match starts.

    Points go negative..(losing to no one, other side remains zero) and with no one to fight, if you stay... you end up getting banished for not fighting and get a truancy ban.

    If you leave you get a truancy ban.

    Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
  2. Tharrakor Well-Known Member

    whats a "truancy ban" ?
  3. Dethrayzin Active Member

    If you exit a match early, you get a five minute truancy detriment that keeps you from entering another match.
  4. quester770 Member

    Or truancy if you just stand there in the spawn zone doing nothing.

    I did this match- BoT tonight, and it was over in literally like 15 seconds. I wonder if I joined the match late, or that's normally how long it takes. And, I wanted to do more of it, but it seems if I queue everything solo (what's group mean? You always fight in a group in every type of BG) everyone just wants to do Smugglers Den.
  5. Luanne Active Member

    I think a better idea would be just to not even start matches until both groups are full.
    If you stand at the spawn too long you get ported out to the center, fluxed even..
    Also if one team is in negative score, they should get a buff, maybe heal 10% of their hp every second until their score goes up , or give them more dmg buff, something.
    Nothing is worse than standing there doing nothing for 15 minute because a team won't come out of their spawn area.
  6. quester770 Member

    Well, maybe for balance of theer, for battlefield of ganak (sp?) at least two days ago I just stood there on got sent to champion's respite, with the truancy de-buff.
  7. quester770 Member

    And, which tile is the deadly order tile, (or does it refer to stepping on them in some order)
  8. quester770 Member

    It doesn't look like I can exit a BG's match early, at least I can't leave the raid/group, by typing /leave
  9. Dethrayzin Active Member

    You can click the green arrow up in the top right corner.