backoff .. backon

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, FAQs, and New Player Discussion' started by Ardrek, Apr 16, 2013.

  1. Ardrek Member

    I read this tip somewhere to help stop your merc or pet from going wild by making a macro with
    /merc backoff
    /pet backoff

    My problem is that the this disables the pet/merc to only follow me ( which is fine ) but I have to manually reset the pet.

    the merc/pet might normally be set to protect me and itself , or someone else on the team from a drop down box.
    the merc/pet might be set to assist me or someone else on the team from a drop down box.

    It is a real pain in the .... to have to reset the pet/merc to what it was previously set to every time I want to stop it from running off and picking daisies. I wouldn't mind having a macro to reset it's targets after I've stopped it.

    I want a /pet backon or /pet assist someone , etc.
    Are there no slash command equivalents to the the drop down boxes and check boxes?
  2. flameweaver Well-Known Member

    /pet_attack (attacks your current target)
    /pet_preserve_self and /pet_preserve_master (will cause pet to either attack whatever is attacking it or you.
    /target_pet will allow you to quickly attack whatever is top of your pet's hate list
    in chat type /pet then hit tab key to get pet commands.
  3. flameweaver Well-Known Member

    Just got back in game to check. syntax on my mage

    should read /pet preserve_self and /pet preserve_master, also available is /pet follow.
    Note also that typing /pet then tabkey in chat isn't very helpful.

    Much better help at