Back to Char Select using new exit button on housing interface

Discussion in 'Players Supporting Players' started by Quanehbos, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. Quanehbos New Member

    The last couple of days I have experienced nearly 100% rate of booting back to character select using the new housing interface green exit arrow while doing daily crafting for research apprentice.

    I start in the guild hall, call up harvest gobby, get his mats and send him back out, cancel the "buff", then click the expand housing interface to the 3 buttons, click green arrow pointing to the right...back to character select. Once I get back in game on that character I proceed to house and get research contacts made (coach and craft quest) take door back to GH and craft, click the green housing interface arrow....back to char select.

    So for each character to do daily research assistant crafting now takes 3 character logins. At 9 crafters that's 27 character logins, theoretically. It's only theoretical as I simply close out the client and move on to other stuff like competing games, movies, real life. My guildee's miss me, I miss them and miss actual playing of the game.

    So, what's up with the housing interface exit button? Or is this another undocumented game feature?