Average and Above Average DPS for a raiding T7 lvl 70 Dirge?

Discussion in 'Dirge' started by ARCHIVED-Kuicksilver78, Jul 17, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-Kuicksilver78 Guest

    What is average and above average DPS for a T7 lvl 70 Dirge but in a MT group? I hear some hitting 600.
  2. ARCHIVED-Melo Guest

    DPS will vary a lot depending on your gears, what AA you choose, what buffs you get from your group (like chanter buffs) and what is the DPS parser you use :p. I just start rading seriously recently so my gear are below the typical raiding dirge (only 2 low-end fabled and very low-end legendary weapons). My AA are mostly defensive except for DKTM and Bumb at level 1. My DPS parser is Advanced Combat Tracker.
    Without a chanter, on average my DPS is in the low 400. In the Lyceum with a lot of mobs in the same encounter I can reach 750DPS on some encounters.
    Message Edited by Melo on 07-17-2006 11:20 PM
  3. ARCHIVED-chantelunes Guest

    In raid i am generaly in the dps group with all the other scout so i use mainly group dps AA (int and wis) with nearly all my dps group buff in master version.
    All my stuff is fabled / legendary T7 so i reach 500+ in str, agi and about 400 (not really good for a dirge i know :/) int... i have also a perma +23 % hast and +37% dps on me.

    My dps is about 400-500 (average). During battle i focus first in keeping me alive / rezz other people than doing massive dps.
    >>with me alive the other scout in my group reach generaly 1000+ dps.

    (oups sorry for my bad english :p)
  4. ARCHIVED-firza Guest

    Trash MT group : < 500
    Trash DPS group : < 850
    Named MT : < 350 (debuffs cost power and I prefer to have them on over dps-ing, and yes. I use T7)
    Named Trash : < 750

    This is what I average, but I have bad equipment cause I always find stuff better for others:smileymad:
  5. ARCHIVED-Kaeylum Guest

    My dps jumps around alot...of course if i'm having to rez and what not, it's not all that high. I've reached 1100 before, but have never been able to do it again. It depends so much on what buffs u have. I've found that when your in the dps grp, u don't get alot of buffs. I actually get more dps buffs in the MT grp, what with our coercer sometimes giving me their buff, and the defiler buff, and what not.

    I would say on average i parse between 400-600 on trash, using Advanced Combat Tracker. And depending on the named, between 500-700 on named fights, but like i said, it's all very situational.
  6. ARCHIVED-scl Guest

    In MT group my DPS is ~600. I find that as your raid gets better equipped you don't have to rely on all your debuffs as much, which gives you more power to play with.

    Most of my dps comes from autoattack. I generally only use shrieking stab (ad3), scream of death (ad3), lanet's (m1), infected blade(m1) and luda's (ad1) for damage. I make sure clara's (m1) and verlien's (m1) are always up to give that extra boost, too. I'll throw garsin's in from time to time too, since it's a pretty big hitter.

    I have bump, so I don't lose dps when stealthing. I also have 8 points in poison.

    I was particularly pleased with this since I sustained 491dps for close to 6 mins. Power management ftw! (There are only 6 on the parse, because we only had one group, lol)
  7. ARCHIVED-Krooner Guest

    Depending on the MT setup I generally hit about 600 as well. I can get it higher but I find it more rewarding making everyone elses DPS shoot up.
    We really shine when we use every art we have to debilitate the Mob into a orthepedic state. Make then so weak that cant hit the tank, so slow everyone is hitting them. Make them so defensless that the mages are wiping the floor with them.
  8. ARCHIVED-SourChikn Guest

    In MT group i do 700-900 on trash and half that on named (debuffs), very dissapointed have yet to break 1k.
  9. ARCHIVED-Finderbex Guest

    Are you guys doing those DPS numbers with dual wields or 1hand + shield with the double attack AA?
  10. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    I'm pretty sure my dps sucks as a dirge, lolz.
  11. ARCHIVED-noahwik Guest

    On average 600-950 on most mobs, the longer the fight or more mobs, the higher up the parse i go.
    good group set up including a coercer pushes it higher obviously.

    Dont forget to disease debuff first, use Banshee and SOD asap.

    My max is 1300 in t7 so far; on the lyceum groups of mobs using banshee and high int.
  12. ARCHIVED-kp8090 Guest

    single target: personal best is 1028 dps vs. Euktrzkai Amdaatk (2nd eyeball in labs)while in the MT group.

    Admittedly, I had my head down and played whack a mole on all my combat arts instead of actually watching the fight like a dirge should :) But, come on, this mob is a ****. I usually average around 600-800.

    Multiple mobs my DPS is all over the place. I think I hit 1200+ in that first encounter in Lyceum one time. But lately i've been debuffing that encounter then healing instead of going DPS. Sometimes the healers arent quite awake yet ;)
  13. ARCHIVED-SourChikn Guest

    I use DWs... WurmSlayer and Ezaeri, Sword of Rending(has mutli-hit proc like Wurmslayer). In Labs i own.

    Message Edited by SourChikn on 07-25-2006 09:06 AM
  14. ARCHIVED-K3mik4l Guest

    Depending on zone/mobs... for some reason I get higher damage in deathtoll than in labs for example. Best mobs for me are the gazers in DT :p

    MT group with a coercer in it aswell, I do 850+ on longer fights (topping 1K or close to it or sometimes even above it), on labs trash I manage to do 650+ or so cause stuff dies too fast. Generally, I prefer single targets.

    Also, I wonder if others are bothering to switch to a fast weapon (like turadramin's fang) when CoB is up. And also, do you use combat arts during CoB if they're up?

    Oh, and I have been using qeynos cutlass and wurmslayer till now, got a adamantine dragonfang yesterday which I prefer over cutlass for some reason :p It'll do till I get my hands on the windrazor...
    Message Edited by K3mik4l on 07-26-2006 10:46 AM
  15. ARCHIVED-Priestbane Guest

    I try to have my big arts already in refresh before hitting CoB. While in CoB, I try to only use physical damage arts; that is, flank (shrieking stab), lifetap (grievance), bump, and Garsin's stealth. Mastery strikes, if applicable, should have been applied before the CoB run. CoB will proc on those listed arts, as they are physical attacks. Unless I'm using really fast weapons, they also do more damage than autoattack (even hasted) so are worth cycling in, and on a raid, they are worth cycling in for the debuffs at least.
  16. ARCHIVED-Lindar Phamoncry Guest

    Generally pushing 350-400 while in MT raiding(probably more when we have a Coercer)... but most likely alot to do with me using my Prizzy 1.0 for the Power regen... I prefer to keep all debuffs up as thats more our role imo... alot of my gear is weighed for power/int/FT... not DPS

    I am sure that once 50AA is attained(3 points from DKtM wooohooo!) and a change in weaps(both turadamin's fang and prizzy) that this number will jump

    and btw I use ACT... like most(should)
  17. ARCHIVED-Unwise Guest

    I seem to average around 550 on a single epic mobs in the MT group with full defensive buffs...but I have to say that DPS numbers really are pretty useless.

    If you use Advanced Combat Tracker, take a look at the individual graph of your DPS. Looking at mine, I see that it starts at zero and climbs to 750, drops down to 400, climbs back up etc etc.

    So the deciding factor in your DPS is when in this cycle the fight happens to end. I can do the exact same set of attacks and get 400DPS one fight and 780DPS the next. Depending on if the wizards/assassins all unleash their nastiness and burn the mob down at the right time in the cycle.

    The other issue with parsing is that some programs just plain suck. I have seen ones that show the major damage dealers as doing about 1/10th of their actual damage.

    My guild often has NO other scouts in our raids (don't ask me how) and I find that only summoners consistently beat me (I beat them and their pet, but combined they piss on me). Like I said though, parsing is reliable only over the course of many many many fights, so take any comment made about it with a grain of salt.


    P.S. I love Advanced Combat Tracker, being able to see the % of your DPS that each ability does is amazing. The graphs over time also point out what a crock DPS comparisons are.

    P.P.S. An example of ACT making a difference was seeing just how badass Scream of Death is in raids. That spell alone can equal 15% of my DPS. Knowing this now, I am sure to put it on early. This also renewed my love affair with Bump.
    Message Edited by Unwise on 07-27-2006 09:52 PM
  18. ARCHIVED-Unwise Guest

    Regarding using CAs when COB is up. I do not, unless it is a short fight or power regen is insane. The difference in damage between you using the CAs and not using them is just not enough to bother spending the power in long-running fights. It is not a big deal either way though.

    When we have a few melee less than 70, lowering the mobs defence rocks, and the DPS decrease vs melee epics is just great. Taking that into account, I avoid making too strict a rule on it either way, it is always a judjement call
  19. ARCHIVED-scl Guest

    Heh, I never use CA's when CoB is up. I think of it as 12 seconds of rest time.
  20. ARCHIVED-Unwise Guest

    I have to agree, if I were a Swashy I would not use CAs when CoB is up. With crazy-[expletive haxx0red by Raijinn] Swashy (or monk/enchanter) haste I just don't think it is worth it.

    Just thinking outloud:

    12 second duration, 1 delay primary hand, 100% Haste,130ish damage per proc =

    (12 / 1 / 0.5) x 130 = 3120 damage = 260 DPS

    This damage is just from the proc! Add into this your autoattack damage. Pulling numbers out of my butt here, but say 250 DPS from autoattack, 100% haste, tombs, rianas, weapon procs, poison etc.

    So with that (dodgey) autoattack figure, we are doing about 510 DPS.

    Unless your DPS is very high normally, get your hands away from those hotkeys, sit back, chill and enjoy the free carnage. Even if you DPS is much more than that, is it enough of a difference to bother using the power?