Avatar loot missing set bonuses.

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by ARCHIVED-Sigmaz01, Sep 21, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Sigmaz01 Guest

    Alot of the jewlery are missing set bonuses making them not even a upgrade to PoW gear so i think that should be changed. Another thing i wanted to point out is why are these avatars not dropping uber charms ? i kinda missed the old set charms from tso avatars /cries!

    Also about the rings rewarded from killing all the avatars..the healer one has 404 ability mod while the mage one has only 246 ability mod and they should also be part of the set bonuses.
  2. ARCHIVED-Neiloch Guest

    Confirmed and seconded.
  3. ARCHIVED-Evolt Guest

    Sigmaz01 wrote:
    Maybe they do not have setbonus since:
    A) procs are prety strong
    B) the avatars are easier to kill then most POW nameds so would be candy farm.
    So either make risk vs reward and leave loot in current state or make fights harder then they are now (1 pulling avatars zomg!) and tweek loot.
  4. ARCHIVED-Neiloch Guest

    You aren't factoring in they are contested.
    They also drop myth jewelry that blows all other items out of the water. the myth ones are fine but the regular fabled jewelry isn't on par with PoW jewelry considering the set bonus. So basically its a toss up between the best jewelry in the game or items that just beat out drunder HM.
    If they want to phase out the set bonuses I'm all for it. But if replacing one half of a set bonus doesn't result in a net gain then you really aren't avoiding a set bonus. This is because you need both of the 'new items' to replace the old set without losing stats. you are just replacing an overt set bonus with a subtle one.
  5. ARCHIVED-Davngr1 Guest

    farming easier contested content to kill harder instance content is bad. i don't know how bad or good this gear is and probably won't because logging in to kill contested or fighting for them does not interest me but it better not be like TSO all over again. that was ridiculous.
    "oh look we got the chest and legs from a mob we have been killing for the past 3 expansions over and over again so now we can kill instance content and totally destroy any type of linear gear progression!"
  6. ARCHIVED-Twyxx Guest

    These are really easy mobs with some very powerful loot. Does it really need to be boosted? Why should it be better than PoW? The encounters should at least be Tagrin-difficult to justify the quality of the loot even as contested.
    I'm hoping we're moving away from set bonuses. They just limit choice in gearing.
  7. ARCHIVED-Davngr1 Guest

    guess there is nothing wrong with the new contested having better loot than PoW since this is considered part of the "new" expac. the problem ensues when guilds start farming easier contested to kill harder instance content and the difficulty of the instance content starts to reflect inflated "contested" gear stats/effects. not saying that's the case now, just saying that needs to NOT happen.
  8. ARCHIVED-Sigmaz01 Guest

    The fact that these avatars have a direct relation to PoW and Hm drunder (which HM drunder is atm easier than avatars imo) they should indeed have set bonuses from their jewelry. I believe these avatars should be commanders difficulty but lets take a look at general teku...he is the final boss in PoW and he easier than all the avatars out there lol, so idk i guess SOE is just making the game easier for us and i want upgrades from another source other than PoW! Without set bonuses almost 90% of the avatar's loot table will be rendered useless for those who are PoW geared.
  9. ARCHIVED-Kander Guest

    Sorry, no set bonuses on avatar jewelry.
    There are charms on the drop tables.
  10. ARCHIVED-Sigmaz01 Guest

    Kander wrote:
    Well that really is a shame...so much useless loot for PoW raiders! guess avatars are really for casuals.
  11. ARCHIVED-Sigmaz01 Guest

    Sigmaz01 wrote:
    Another thing is the charms have no sets and all have the same proc >.< how very imaginative!
  12. ARCHIVED-Hennyo Guest

    Sigmaz01 wrote:
    Lets see, they drop 1 charm per archetype with a red slot, best raw stats on any dropped charm in the game, and they have a proc that absolutely anyone could use, and it is a proc if you could choose any gear you wanted for your entire raid that you would have 2 or 3 at the least in every single group.
    Also, unless your just acting willfully ignorant, you would also know that just about every class in the game has something like 3 to 5 best in slot drops from these new avatars. Sure, there are a number of drops that would be downgrades once you consider dropping jewelry set bonuses, but some of jewelry pieces are so nice they are still upgrades in a number of cases after losing set bonuses, and the armor pieces are upgrades in almost every situation.
    There are legitimate itemization issues with the avatar loot, but you are not even bringing up even one of them. There are a number of procs that say they proc on heals, but are clearly damage procs and won't ever work off of heals. Also a few items with procs that just will not work like they are intended, such as the mage mythical earring, that has a proc that is word for word the same as an old mage avatar proc that gets dispelled by on power usage focus damage, bypassing most any point of the proc. There are also a number of procs that even tho they work, they are mostly entirely useless, just because what they do may sound helpful, but in practice isn't.
  13. ARCHIVED-Sigmaz01 Guest

    Hennyo wrote:
    The fact that most of the loot table is useless to high end raiders and the avatars are being downed by any mid guild out there is utter fail of high end raid content. And im not ignorant about the small amount of possible upgrades for us. I never said the charms where useless but as i said they are not very imaginative. If you take a look at the set bonuses from PoW jewelry they far out grade any of the procs given from these avatars. How the hell is not adding set bonuses not being a legitimate reason to bring up the failness of this loot.
  14. ARCHIVED-Chronus1 Guest

    Apart from maybe the mythical ears, especially the mage one yeh the jewellery is largely not worth it. Unless you have both of 2 slots (say both rings).

    I'd also say that buffs dispelled on taking damage from casting somthing are utterly useless and yeh I've seen this on a few bits. It makes them useless in later HM drunder, all of PoW and probably much future content.
  15. ARCHIVED-Hemmrage Guest

    Avatars: Evasion of a Dauntless Champion’s proc now has the proper icon
    Is anyone else with the mythical scout earring never seeing this item proc ?